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Data on impact of craft distilling legislation


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Hi folks,

Our newly-formalized Minnesota Distillers' Guild is headed back to the statehouse, trying again to get laws passed to allow bottle sales from distilleries and hospitality rooms/cocktail sales. We're trying to put together a compelling case about the economic and social impact of such legislation. Given the successful campaigns in other states, I'm guessing folks have put together such information for fact sheets and the like - overall impact of bottle sales from distilleries, how sales from craft distilleries affect liquor retailers, how cocktail service at craft distilleries affects restaurants and bars, etc.

Does anyone have such information? If no, does anyone have any data on impact in their own individual state?

Thanks much!

Joel Vikre

Vikre Distillery, Duluth, MN

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I can't get you the information directly, but we are working on the same type of legislation here in North Carolina. I believe that the most useful info we have was from a report on Oregon's law to allow by-the-drink sales at distilleries. From what I've heard they showed that after allowing such sales, the state ABC stores saw sales of Oregon products rise by 20%. There is a group of us here working on this, and it's one of the other distillers that had this report from Oregon.

Hope that's some help.


Hi folks,

Our newly-formalized Minnesota Distillers' Guild is headed back to the statehouse, trying again to get laws passed to allow bottle sales from distilleries and hospitality rooms/cocktail sales. We're trying to put together a compelling case about the economic and social impact of such legislation. Given the successful campaigns in other states, I'm guessing folks have put together such information for fact sheets and the like - overall impact of bottle sales from distilleries, how sales from craft distilleries affect liquor retailers, how cocktail service at craft distilleries affects restaurants and bars, etc.

Does anyone have such information? If no, does anyone have any data on impact in their own individual state?

Thanks much!

Joel Vikre

Vikre Distillery, Duluth, MN

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