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Everything posted by Julius

  1. +1 for Distillery Solutions (Five x 5) I am pretty sure it can integrate with cloud based quick books.
  2. What would your budget be building a tasting room? Would that money be better spent furthering your on premise campaign?
  3. I do not know. I have only worked with steam and direct flame. I am sure someone else can answer that question.
  4. I have not used your exact system, but I would assume it will just take multiple runs and charging the pot with at least 60%-70% abv. The other option would be to run your still as slowly as possible, but with only 8 plates, I find it hard to believe you will get compliance distillate from a 30% abv charge.
  5. #2 In addition to GNS being used in blended whiskey, it is also common for spirit or light whiskey (whiskey distilled over 160proof) to be used in a blend.
  6. Small guys with pot stills can not make GNS with the consistency and price of the ethanol plants. The possibilities with different botanicals are endless. The same base can make an infinite amount of different gins. Not sure why you think botanicals don’t have an impact. edit: sorry, did not see this was a thread resurrected from the dead.
  7. Blended Whiskey =/= A blend of straight whiskeys. I believe Jailbreak has given you sound advice. I would love to know how you finally get approval (and see the label).
  8. Just a heads up, bourbon and rye blended together are not a “Blended Whiskey.” Blended Whiskey is a class/type that refers to a blend of whiskey with something else (NGS) and requires a formula approval.
  9. Anecdotaly, we had higher loss in our palletized storage compared to our racks.
  10. Makes sense. I’m just glad our building has exceeded requirements for all of their questions.
  11. Have been insured by this company for four years. I will PM you specifics. 99% of it involves questions about compliance with the NFPA. Our building was built well above and beyond code, and we haven’t changed anything since the start of the policy. After multiple onsite visits, and we thought they were pacified, there will be another site visit about construction and compliance in a non production area of the building. It is just incredibly strange that these questions are being asked 4 years after the fact.
  12. So this cyclical nature explains why I have had insurance underwriters around year?
  13. Does anyone have a name or two of brokers in the US with peated distillate for sale?
  14. Sorry bud. No one has ever accused FONL of being an awesome website.
  15. I am able to log in right now. Reset your password, FONL likes to expire your password without cause.
  16. One way to start, pick out your five favorite spirits (gin in this case since you are making gin) and look at what type of still produced them.
  17. Pictures of the nails in the barrel please?
  18. A small copper thumper/doubler would clean your spirit up some. Sorry I do not have any mashing techniques to help.
  19. I am guessing you are doing on grain distillation? What kind of still are you stripping with?
  20. What is the PG to bushel yield of the stripping run?
  21. 95 day for our last TIB approval. Multiple follow ups were required...
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