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seeking internship

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My name is Vincent Van Horn. I am about to finish my bachelors in food science at McGill next semester and am currently seeking an internship in a small distillery to gain more production experience specific to distilleries. I am available as of January 2014.

My professional experience includes:- brief internships at 5 micro-breweries in Denmark

  • one micro-brewery in Montreal,

  • six months at the Lallemand BRI yeast lab in Montreal doing quality control and propagation on the beer and wine yeast

  • my current employment at a small vineyard in Dunham Quebec.

I have completed the Siebel concise course in brewing technology and have been obsessed in the production of different alcohols for many years now. I regularly experiment with new beer, wine and spirit recipes. As I am sure most of you understand this is an ongoing evolution of projects and discoveries. I am interested in all sorts of whiskey production, herbal liquors, brandy and from farm to bottle production. I would like to be able to be involved in all phases of the production of spirits.

Having seen the differences that exist in small backyard/home scale production and marketable production in beer and wine has made me appreciate the value of hands on experience with larger production scales and thus inspired me to search out for this internship to help me get fully comfortable with distillation practices.

Thank you for your time

Vincent Van Horn

my official resume and several references are available upon request



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