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USDA Grants

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I was wondering if any of you have had any positive interactions with the USDA regarding utilizing the value added grants and the wets grant for energy efficiency upgrades, etc.  I'm going to contact them and try and find out what can be done in regard to estate grown items like bourbon inputs, etc. 

I'm curious what your mileage with them has yielded.  I've found some good google search results.  It would be fantastic to get real world feedback from one of the champions of the bureaucracy.

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These grants are available with the use of a contract agreement with them, so contact them and ask them what needs to be done in what order.  There are many of these available.  I spoke to the NRCS about some other stuff and they want to help you line up a  contract and then you get paid after you pay for it then complete your project as agreed, then when the quarterly payment comes up, they offer you the payment.  Sounds less strings attached that in most cases.  Certainly worth the time and paperwork at face value.


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