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Posts posted by Harden

  1. One of the things I really struggle to understand is to understand how the quality of my water supply affects my fermentation. I know iron content is especially important and at maximum it is 0.038 mg/l and on average it is half that. Is that amount of iron a potential problem?

    pH is 7.72

    calcium is at least 48mg/L

    I know these things are important but have a hard time understanding whether my water is good or not. Here's an overview of my water quality from the water company (it's not in English but easy enough to understand I think...)


  2. Hi, I'm a guy from Europe and am developing plans to start a craft whiskey distillery here. There are only two in my country and none in the immediate region so that helps. There isn't much of a whiskey tradition here and demand is growing. Lots of things to do and lots to learn so that's why I went looking in a place where people have made their mistakes and achieved success to learn as much as possible.

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