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mjduheme last won the day on February 27 2018

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  1. Contact Emmerling International Foods at emmerlinginternational.com They have juice, concentrates and purees. We've used them on our cidery side for pear concentrates. Good customer service.
  2. Have you talked with New York Craft Malt in Batavia www.newyorkcraftmalt.com , or 1886 Malt House in Fulton www.1886malt.com ? I have a very limited supply of NYS grown rye malt that I grew and had malted ny Farmhouse Malt in Owego if you are intested. PM me if you are.
  3. no expert, but from my point of view when bottles look to be filled to the same point nobody will speak up and tip off the TTB to a potential problem That said, I took the TTB chart and filled five bottles by weight for the given proof and they were all within 1mm of each other. So we just fill to the same point for each bottle.
  4. don't forget honey fermentation needs a good supply of nitrogen, more then normal.
  5. Silk no I have not, sorry. But for a straight forward dry mead that is what I use. You could also use EC-1118 but for mead making you need to get some age on it post fermentation. Not sure which would work best for a distillate. Those would be my recommendations for fermenting honey. If you were adding fruit (melomel style) I would use K1-V1116 to accentuate more of the fruit. but again never distilled it. I would imagine you would want a good mead to make good honey liquor.
  6. Dude, Why are trolling Paul so much? If you don't want to read his posts then don't. Nobody is forcing you to read them. Paul is in business, just like you, to make money. If he is able to provide help (free of charge by the way) to others along the way while trying to make money, why not. I am sure Paul has help many more people on this board then you have and if he gained a customer or two while doing it, more power to him. Yes I admit sometimes he seems to push his wares heavy, but he is also offering help to those who ask, and it doesn't matter to him if they bought from him or not, he will still help them.
  7. we get our bar tops from J.Tavares out of Portugal. http://www.jtavarescork.com
  8. in simple terms torrified wheat is puffed wheat (think like honey smacks with out the honey) and has been pre-gelatinzed but has no enzymes, malted wheat has been sprouted and there for has some enzymatic capabilities to it, and raw is just that, raw. you will need to use enzymes to convert the raw wheat as well as gelatinize (cereal mash) it prior to doing conversion.
  9. We purchased equipmet made by the Zhejiang Dafeng Light Machinery Co., LTD and the Wenzhou First Branch Light Indrustrial Machinery Co, LTD. Don't know who made what.
  10. the equipment was purchased before I came aboard, don't know the name of the company. All I know is the company must had gone the cheap route and now ended paying for it in the long run. We purchased a G-Still to replace the chinese still, and very happy with it, just a little small for our production. Do have to say though, Paul at Affordable Distilling Equipment is a great guy, and I would highly recommend him for somebody looking to purchase equipment. He and his staff are very helpful. We had purchased a copper column from them for our crappy still, ended selling the column to another distillery and scrapping the pot before we ever got to use it. Long story.
  11. Ah, but the question was what was the biggest waste of money, for us it was our chinese still pot. never even got to use it, it ended up going to the scrap yard. and our fermenters look like they were polished by using a tiger locked inside.
  12. biggest waste= chinese equipment, most valuable = a good network of peers
  13. we use label gallery in Norwich NY.
  14. MorebeerPro.com 60 gallon rack $109, 30 gallon $99, ship out of PA.
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