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Everything posted by distillingcraft

  1. Copy that! I'll see if we can work on some content to clear up some of the general parts of TTB reporting and add in details about the proofing process. Thanks for the great feedback!
  2. Hey everyone, We've been woking for a few months on a guide that we are hoping will be the ultimate guide for newbies starting their very first craft distillery. We'd love to get some outside eyes to let us know if we missed anything that you wish you knew during the startup phase or if there are any areas in which we need to expound upon so that there's sufficient education. Again, we're hoping this will be the go-to guide for new craft distillers. It's lengthy, just FYI - http://distillingcraft.com/starting-a-craft-distillery/ Thanks and looking forward to hearing some feedback!
  3. We just recently branched out and started a consultancy agency for craft distillers. We're pretty competitively priced but realize that there are still people (particularly startups) that'll get a little sticker shock. But we have our podcast, Distilling Craft, and are coming out with some more free resources for people wanting to start a distillery. Is anyone willing to offer some feedback when we get these free resources up? We are trying to keep the startup and newbie in mind and if anyone's been through that phase recently, we'd love your feedback.
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