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  1. It's Gene from Iowa. Happy to import for you. I've got a shipment of Scotch coming in within a month or so. Happy to help you out
  2. I tried messaging you but you can't receive messages. Please shoot me a message.
  3. I've got the following bourbon I could let go of: 2017 MGP 21% rye bourbon - 42 barrels for 2800 ea. 2017 BBC 21% rye bourbon - 42 barrels for 3000 ea. 2017 BBC 36% rye bourbon - 42 barrels for 3200 ea. 2018 TN Distilling co 70/16 wheat/14 (Makers Mashbill) bourbon - 120 barrels at 2000 ea.
  4. I can get you scotch. Licensed to import in bulk to the states.
  5. Update. I can do 1700 a barrel for the lot if purchased within a week.
  6. I am unsure what you mean. The barrels were distilled in January and February 2016.
  7. I've got 245 barrels of Jan-Feb MGP light whiskey for sale I need gone immediately. Located at MGP. 99 corn, 1 malted barley mashbill.
  8. we can import. Shoot me your info
  9. I have 100 barrels of 2015-6 light whiskey I could let go of. Looking for $1900 per barrel for the lot. 99 corn, 1 malted barley, distilled between 160 and 190 proof, aged in used oak.
  10. Barrels now available. Stored at MGP. 99 corn mashbill light whiskey. $1900 a barrel, ideally would like someone to take the entire lot.
  11. Where's this located? Price?
  12. Have a small lot I could get rid of. $1900 per barrel for all 40.
  13. I'm working on a blend right now of both US and Canadian ryes. I've got 6 year new oak MGP rye, 21 year first fill Canadian rye. It will be blended and finished for a winter release. I'm looking around for someone who has 10-14 year rye they could let a small amount go of (4-8 barrels or a tote). Thank you!
  14. I co-own Cat's Eye Distillery out of Bettendorf, Iowa. We have been mainly buying product from separate importers but wanted to explore importing bulk product ourselves as well as bottled product from out of country distillers to sell in the states. What federal licensing do we need?
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