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  1. Reach out to Alaskan Brewing Company. They have a biomass boiler they run with their spent grain.
  2. Greetings. First time caller here....and I'm new to the distillation business. We recently changed our bourbon recipe to be a blend. We sourced a Kentucky whiskey that we blended 50-50 with ours. It was filtered at 5 and .5 micron prior to bottling. Once we got down to the bottom of the tank after bottling, we could see a very heavy brown sediment. We collected this into a mason jar...see photos. From my perusing the forums here I feel like this seems to be heavier than typical flocculation. It's almost like a lava lamp. It will mix into the liquid if shaken, but it settles out very heavy looking. We are going to re-filter using the × Graver GFC Haze Pre-Filters which I recently ordered. We do have what seems like regular floc in our bottles. My question is...is it possible that there are some different compounds in the sourced Kentucky whiskey that somehow separated from the blend? If they (Kentucky) were to go heavy into their tail's could that be an abundance of substances that typically would be removed by chill filtering? Anyone else ever have issues doing a blended whiskey?
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