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  1. Just sharing some pics of emptying my 7 and 8 year old rum barrels since it's like watching my kids graduate and I'm a proud papa. Sure smells good in here! This rum was made from 100% Hawaiian molasses (the last we will ever haven't been able to get the molasses for a decade), "double" distilled on a copper pot. Made a hillbilly barrel roller outta 2x4s, but it works great. https://photos.app.goo.gl/wUKG4UAWWoHTJP5J7
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  2. We have a pre-heater on our still system, I can put the material for the next run in the top vessel and pass the distillate vapor through coils in that tank to heat exchange the liquid. Our runs only last about 2.5- 3 hours, but in that time the liquid gets up to anywhere from 130-180 (54c to 82c) degrees, saving me about 45 min on the next run (from a cold startup). I haven't noticed any adverse effects to this process in our 20+ years of operations, but it's also not cooking the material for hours, its usually only hot for the last hour of our run. If you built something similar, you might consider a valve setup letting you engage the pre-heater only in the last couple hours of your run. As long as there's a lid on the vessel, evaporation loss should be minimal, depending on how long its sitting there at temp. (there should be a breather valve though). Also the ABV of the material you're distilling matters as far as evaporation loss. For example, we don't put anything stronger than 13-15% in the pre-heater. what are you distilling?
  3. I'm in no way affiliated with pall, I just got this marketing email from them, maybe you'll find it interesting. obviously they're trying to sell something, but it's relevant to the discussion. https://www.pall.com/en/food-beverage/blog/sheet-based-activated-carbon-successes.html
  4. is there a reason you're not considering lenticular filtration housings with carbon impregnated filter media cartridges?
  5. Classick


    I believe it. during grappa season I don't even bother going to the gym (I mean not that I would during any other season but still) I can run through two half ton macrobins of pomace a day. between using a snow shovel to shovel into the still, and shoveling off of the platform. that's two tons of shoveling a day. My gun show looks cracking at the end of the year 😆
  6. Classick


    I've been making grappa for the last 18 years, it's definitely a labor of love. I wish I had a solution for you, but I think my still is configured differently. I only have a 3" discharge port, however can take the entire top off and we also have a colander like platform onto which I shovel the pomace, so when the run is done, I lift the entire thing out with a forklift. it's hot, and messy, and I have to use wide ratchet straps to keep the skins from spilling over,but it works for me. If it's possible for you to construct such an apparatus for your setup, that's what I would recommend. and if you're building one, I recommend putting sides on it to make it a cylinder to trap the skins as you lift out so that it doesn't mushroom top and spill everywhere... here's a video of how I do it, but I suppose that's only going to be so useful. (pardon the quality, was shot with my security camera 😆) https://youtu.be/FazPMoMi7cY?si=_hBCXD57jHi4-nRQ best of luck, feel free to DM with any questions if I can be of assistance.
  7. I believe Arrowhead General Insurance is who we use. https://www.arrowheadgrp.com/products/special-risk/small-business/
  8. Thanks! Both! I spec'd it so that it will fit over the top port of a 350 gal tote, OR conveniently, over an open-top 55 gal drum (for smaller barrels), or if i need to leave them on the forks for some reason I can do tha too. here's the sieve to catch the char bits
  9. welp... finally got around to building my caster rack. clearly this wasnt the top of my todo list lol, 5 years later... works pretty well for 30 gal to 60 gal barrels. also sits comfortable on top of an open head 55 gal drum, or more importantly on the top of my 350 gal stainless steel totes. not pictured: the metal sieve that will sit directly under the barrel opening to catch the char bits.
  10. This will likely be my method too, I'm thinking of making a device that will receive forklift forks, that has upsidedown castors that the barrel will sit on so I can lift the barrel off the rack, it will rest on the rollers, I'll put the snorkel in, lift the barrel over our receiving tank then rotate the barrel to empty. That's the plan anyway.
  11. Finally got our snorkels from Mac manufacturing https://www.mac-mfg.com/ Now all I need is to find a trough/screen combo.
  12. No worries at all. All info welcome.
  13. Im not sure if that last comment was directed to me, since im not the OP that stumpy was replying to, but it does make some sense as sometimes i run well beyond tails if i just happen to be busy or have my head down in some paperwork at the end of my runs. At some point im just running steam/water for a few min at the very end. As for stumpy's advice, my still doesn't have a dephleg or "plates" in the traditional sense, but for my application, i believe SOP for shuttling down a run would get us to similar conditions.
  14. My best guess was that there was also some copper sulfate (if i recall correctly we were running some peach wine and the person we got it from didnt mention they'd added sulfur. mixed in with the waxyish little bits Of course we ran steam afterwards, naturally, but the easiest way to protect against them, at least on our alambic, is just not to distill lower than 130 when running anything fruit based. Its not anything I was concerned about, and hasn't happened since
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