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Beauport Bob

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Posts posted by Beauport Bob

  1. Well, not an attack, but I think many of us are interested in more facts on that comment "manage to save him about $2.00 per bottle on his order of 6000 units/bottles" before giving it much attention. I do think we would all like to save 2.00 USD on our glass units.

    Jeff, will you have a vendor table at the ADI conference this year?


  2. So, Maxie, "Too pricey to pay out of pocket"? The price of the Storage bond isn't the biggest problem. It is required but spread over a year it seems cheap. It is raising it once you have exceeded your limit. Too many start out at a low end, $16K, hoping to keep costs down, while the price difference for a larger bond, $50K is minimal. That is my example. I expect there is a lot of archival info here on bond issues. But, I am interested in the answers you get.


  3. Hello Max Action,

    Nice to have the expectational knowledge.

    If there is a craft brewer in your area start hanging out there and give a hand when you can. Mash is key.

    It may sound odd, but, not all home or textbook theory translates 1 to 1 at the industrial level. Equipment, geography, ect. Can't beat experience. Good luck.

  4. Good morning Wilder,

    I did buy an "overseas" custom built still with columns mostly for the versitility our still has and the C.I.P. (Clean In Place) system. As mentioned by Palmetto Coast, there are many who have built their own. I, am to a point, envious of their intimacy with their equipment. They were built for purpose. Not just thrown together. I agree that you must know what you want to do. Plan carefully and include all the factors. Please consider the traditional question of where you want to be in 5 years. It passes quickly! I guess my advice is to spend $$ wisely. Great you are doing the research. Also,remeber that the home distilling info available on line is great but does not always translate to an industial, meaning economical, use.

    Good Luck,


  5. badwr2002,

    How about checking some previous threads on these items. Then guys like me would respond to more specific questions.

    Not being snooty, but even last week this was discussed here.

    Hope to see you at ADI conference in Louisville next spring.


  6. Good Morning Paul and all,

    I just tripped over this thread today.

    To your question about Trident Welding.

    We have several of the Jester's equipment here in Gloucester.

    We do use our "Goddard" style condenser often when we wish to transform our still closer to a pot still. To this point Jesse has always "said what he will do and does what he has said" (a close quote from Popeye).

    Quality of material and workmanship I do not question. The beauty is that he really does custom work with "sanitary level" welding assembly and he has the knowledge to build to the proper capacity of function. Condenser, parots, etc., can be too big or too small for each system.

    We are pleased with having him visit us whenever he feels.



  7. Korn,

    The are already some threads on this site on the subject you are asking about.

    Perhaps that may be why you did not get a lot of response, other than Coop. (Hey Coop. How are ya?) Have you used the search application?

    My opinion on the labeler, if you are not large, why increase the moving parts?

    We chose a manual, Race JR., labeler. When I error it is for the cost of one label.

    Each of us will have different headaches, I mean comments, with different products.

    Good Luck


  8. My opinion, give 'em a break. They have been only helpful for us. They are, as are we all, understaffed, undrepaid and overworked. (I hope they monitor this.)

    Seriously, isn't a 1 or 2 hour phone interview less intrusive to you then being called in for a "Face to Face"?

    As we know it is as much how you interview as well as the answers themselves.

    Good luck.


  9. From an old New England Yankee: Do not trust them.

    Terms like "Grandfathered In" "Retro Permitted" and the like are often stated to appease and gather trust until the fact occurs then you'll hear "who would have guessed" or "can you believe what they did to us?". All the while the development team goes home to bed while you are out of luck. Then you'll here "well lets look at another location that may be better suited for you", and for whatever self serving motive they may have. At best, as Coop mentioned, you will be limited to your current situation. And do not assume it is automatic. It will still require some sort of advocacy from you.

    Find out, or at least confirm, their plans! Go to the public hearing meetings. Planning Board, Varience Boards, Health Boards and the like. Make sure you are seen.

    Intellegently review your lease. You do not want to give up options or protections you may have written in. Seriously attend to any notifications you get. Or do not get. Can you believe somtimes they find the sensitive ones may have been returned "undeliverable".

    And also, Commercial/mixed use. "Mixed Use" sounds like residential. I'm sure the TTB would have something to say about attached residential or attached anything. What does a local Management Rep know of your DSP permit to say don't worry it won't effect you? How long did any of us have to spend with the regs to only slightly understand what effects us.

    Prepare for the worst scenario, get everything in writing, look both ways (not a joke, always look at problems from reverse direction..often a solution appears) when the time comes celebrate you were prepared and defended yourself and your business. And after all we have to be businesspeople and take care of things like this. If only we could just create and sell.

    I hope I do not come across as bitter. The fact is in a past career, as some of us have, I was a commercial banker. I have see many examples of when bad things happen to good, trusting, people.

    This rant may or may not apply to you, Rinna, but it may help someone.

    By the way, a big red flag... You stated you already do not trust them.

    Cheers and good luck,


  10. I was going to respond in a humorous mannor on this. A fantasy equation to relate how you will find the amount your business plan calls for will only be a fraction of what you'll eventually need. A "minimum bond" is what you are liable for during your production period. I believe you have to state this in your application for a DSP. How many of us have started with a minimum amount, say $16K only to have to rewrite for up to $50K. For the cost difference between the two, go with a higher number then you plan. The cost of the bond is not the most significant item in your plan

    By the way $5K / $13.50 per proof gallon is only about 370 Proof Gallons over the reporting period. Then how about your state bond? Am I wrong?

    Try a "search" on this site to find outer threads.

    Look into going to the TTB Expo in Northern Kentucky this month. You'll get a lot of help and answers there.

  11. Alright, I've spent enough time on this on-line. I've asked several label printers and got nowhere.

    Where do people get those replica tax stamp seals, the over the top of the bottle label, often used on the whisky bottles.

    Is there template like "Avery" or do you get them printed and by whom?



  12. Have you tried the U-line catalog. www.uline.com Ocassionally they run inventory clearence with free shipping that is hard to pass up. Surprisingly large quantities at times. Or you can call and ask if something is hanging around and cut a deal. Always check for compliance (with Fedex) before purchasing.


  13. Guy,

    Reviving this thread.

    Has this filler been delivered and do you have comments?

    I too have a vigneron available if anyone wants to make an offer.



    Thanks. I have a 4 head Enolmaster (with Pyrex option) due for delivery in mid-June. I'm hoping the unit will work well as our first unit for bottling. I'd also be interested in how well your new filler works once it's been in use for a while.
  14. Hello,

    Has anyone purchased the small plate filter from Bavarian Holstein? It requires a 222mm disk filters. It came with BECO KD-10 and BECO CPO2S. The machine work fine enough.

    Does anyone have a supplier for these disks? We are often told to buy sheets and cut them. Not fun.

    Thanks for the info.


  15. Mine is on order and will be read during our next Nor'easter, Montreal Express, or whichever storm next dumps a foot of snow on us.

    By the way, to ensure value for you dollar, have the author sign your copy. Every home library should have a volume signed by a 1976 Guggenheim Fellow.

    When you can, pour yourself a heavy dram and check out his work. "Suburbia" showed me where I was at when 22.

    Holiday cheers to all,

    Bob Ryan & Dave Wood

  16. Hello Coop,

    I haven't , yet. Do you still run off the manifold one section at a time? Remember, we started to burn (smoke) trippers at the electrical board because the pump was drawing to much power to push against pressure of not enough flow through only one section. We now cip with 2 sections open at a time. Lower pressure at spray units. I think Arizona does also. At least at the Pot and helmut.

    Did that sound correct? A long day.

    Good luck and Happy Repeal Day.


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