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Beauport Bob

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Posts posted by Beauport Bob

  1. "Feel free to call or write for details and pricing information" was his posting. Which means they do not monitor this ADI Forums site. Also it is tactically sound, from a vendors position, to not post details. If I were really interested I would go to their site. Is the same piece G W Kent and others have offered for a while?

  2. Dave, that is a decent price for small amount and no freight.

    For anyone interested , we get our DAP and other items from American Tartaric Products, Larchmont NY, 914-834-1881. They have regional warehouses.

  3. At first this sounded like a trap question. But let's play along. I believe when you "Buy" a recipe you are actually buying the license to produce using that recipe. Gone are the days of a straight transaction. You legally will need to protect yourself should your product become a phenomenal sensation. So, just for fun, ask this person for what you will need to sell this product. All the legal items. Does it meet 'Standard of Identity" for TTB approval or is there a secret ingrediant that FDA may not like? Will he sign away complete rights for the recipe and can he guarentee no other person is using a similar recipe? Does he have the economic means to protect that fact and willing to go to court to enforce a tresspass. The marketing, will he sign away the "Family" story, images, etc. Above all, does he have the right to sell or will cousin Zeb come out of the dark? Does he have evidence of a quality product? What is you recourse if it actually doesn't taste good? Samples: Stating it's better than "Jack" will not do. Dumping a bottle of "Dickle" into a mason jar and calling it his will not do. Etc, etc, The Still, his backyard still and yours will not produce the same. Will he gurantee an economic clause. That you can make it efficiently? (Translate that to making money). Does he have the assets to cover your investment as agreed should his part fail? Always look at the rainy days, not just the sunny ones in negotiating a transaction.

    My point, You really do not know how much a favor to yourself you are doing buy creating your own recipe. Have fun doing it!

    Cheers, Bob

  4. Are you working in reverse? A percentage of local sales? You would need case sales number anyway to figure % of local sales. In my opinion, a more interesting number would be a volume of sales produced and as % of your sales towards local. Local is too variable. ie: would you rather have .02 of say, Lake George, NY, or .02 of New York City?

    Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  5. If things were equal, Two other small factors: 1) Be aware of which systems your installer/plumber is familiar with and can install efficiently. You do not want to pay for their education. 2)be aware of his relationship with the dealer. You can sometimes ask to share in on the discount a tradesman would get. Overall, as Coop pointed out, buy a quality product from a reputable dealer. You are going to ask your boiler to work many times over what a home heating boiler would do.

  6. We have a "Smith" (7 x 100,000 btu).

    I recommend on your water feed line be sure to have a spring loaded backflow preventer. The flapper style creates such a bang! If anyone remembers being here in my early days, you may recall it was loud enough to scare people.

  7. I very, very much congratulate Tom and Lianne. And I certainly respect their diligence and research. I do wish to enjoy their product. But I also congratulate all who meet the rules and compliance of the TTB, State ,county ,city, etc..

    Because that is what they did. This is not "home distilling" or "distilling at home" or "Hobbyist". Unless I am wrong, the Hurbrucks went through the same process we all did. I choose to admire them as a commercial venture. They have acted in a commercial mannor. Volume is not at issue. Proximity also is not. Compliance is. Frankley,they may be more compliant then many of us. As was stated before, well done. Good luck Tom and Lianne and keep having fun!


  8. Please accept my apology if I sound ignorant or uninformed.

    My comment is not meant to profile or be harmful. But, if you bought a still from someone you do not know (a gypsy?) or does not have a positive reputation as a manufacturer, beware! I would rather think you have a garden ornament than a piece of equipment meant for beverage ready ethel alcohol consumption. Concerns are with, and of course not limited to, the copper itself. Contaminated? Junkyard refuse? How about the solder, usually in the workplace an alloy of tin & lead. Do you want lead in your consumable? Maybe Jesse @ Trident or Pint O'Shine can chime in to either support or correct my concerns.

    Also,"told by an official that distilling is perfectly legal in Moldova", if you are confident about that, fine. But get more confirmation. Go to a couple of those great Mondovian vinyards, the professionals, and ask them. I could not tell you how many people come through our facility and comment proudly how "yes, I know at the federal and state level a license is required. But it is ok for me to distillback home because my town does not require a license". Oye!

    Good luck with your effort.

  9. Welcome Lynne & Pierre.

    We share lots of great history with you up there in Lunenburg. Great because I did not have to live it. Hard working scotch/irish men of the sea. They deserve what you are doing for them.

    Best of luck on that first barrel of rum! We shared some of ours with the Canadian Dory Racers this year.


    Bob Ryan


  10. Have fun and challenge it. I do not know what upgrades they would want if you comply with the TTB and State of California. 80 K can go a long way to have a new "Pocket" facility. Let Gov. S. know what is being done to stop emerging business. Note: I would not say "recreatinal" again. Maybe "incubating" instead. If TTB licensed you, you are commerce. And really, art? A duck is a duck. If you do have your TTB permit, you may have return it.

    I wish you luck.


  11. Dick, you have probably already looked but there are several past threads on this subject. Each has some items of interest. My own highlight with first purchasing bottles in cartons: the cartons were good enough for wine/cork insert closure. But they were not correct height for bottles with T-Top closure. I did not take the time to talk it out with the supplier. Assume nothing is a given.

    Also, I remember someone mentioning cartons are a competitive arena. A local supplier should be as economical, considering freight etc, as a distant one. Look at cost by the bottle, and you may realize you would be shopping and spending your time for a difference of 1 or 2 cents a bottle. I guess it depends on volume and how fancy you get.

    Good luck.

  12. Thanks Guy.

    This should be a clear yes or no. Under proper protocal, can we reuse bottles? It is not efficient for "Big Al"cohol to do this. But we could benefit.

    I have heard many things regarding this subject. Including that it is not the glass (Bottle fatigue?) but the remainder of the capseal that is illegle to remove, thus the tracking. left over from the tax stamp days. Although a "No" is the usual knee jerk answer. But we could be considered a bit earth friendly if we could reuse. So, I think this is a good example where the TTB could be contacted for an opinion. Does ADI or Bill Owens (now in Europe,Italy, I think. Hi Bill) have a pipeline for these items? I know we all have a lot to do, or have TTB chirp in on it. Being a bit paranoid, I think they are reading this right now!

    Cheers, Bob

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