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Posts posted by coop

  1. I have never used anything but direct steam injection. I designed my own 237 gallon mash kettle with two offset and apposing jets. Works supper and the direct injection burns off un wanted chlorine as it supper heats the mash. Coop

  2. I will just throw this out and I am sure some one will correct me if I am wrong. Water will not put out an alcohol fire it will only spread it out. If you are having to sprinkle the building for general reasons and nothing to do with the storage of alcohol then water will work. You need a foam application for alcohol to smother the fire. Water will not work. Coop

  3. I seriously do not think that you can expect any help at all from distributors. They will insist that you take care of it all and then some just to get them to carry your products. Coop

  4. You will never be allowed to just dump it into a sewer system. It will increase the BOD in the waste stream and if your local sewer company is using a lagoon system it is even worse. You will have to haul it away or give or sell to any local farmer as feed. Coop

  5. Go to e bay and type in Jim Beam train decanters, I have a friend in AZ who has 3 complete and sealed sets. Do you have a purple Uncle Jacks Whiskey bottle with label from Jack Daniels circa 1900? Coop

  6. Hey does any one know if Baverian Holstein is still in business?? I have sent several e mail's to the web site and also to Andrea@potstills.com, there e mail addres but in over two week have gotten no response. Coop

  7. I have an old "Uncle Jack's" straight whiskey bottle. It is purple in color and it was distributed out of Nashville, Tenn by Jack Daniels Dist'g Company. Only has front label with the wordes Guaranteed under food and frugs act, June 30, 1906. Coop

  8. I think that if I were you I would find an existing distillery here, have them import bulk spirits from you. I think and some one will correct me if I am wrong you may need a DSP permit for here in the USA before you can get label approvals. An Importers license might work but not sure what that would take. By shipping bulk, weight would be kept to a minimum as you will pay for every pound you ship. That distillery can then get lables approved, bottled and delivered to a distributor. Any one else have any ideas?? Coop

  9. If it's 100% corn, and it's in a new charred barrel (assuming other regs are met), its bourbon. In a new uncharred barrel or a used barrel, it's corn whiskey.

    Not Excactly Right. You must use at least 81% corn but you can use 100% Corn for corn whiskey, the barreling requirments are corect. Coop

  10. Wow. Nearly 100 views and not a single thought or words of encouragement. Sorry for wasting everyone's time.

    Everyone looks at all new post if it interest them. You wasted no ones time. You ask for advice and no doubt only one person had any. Do not take it personal, I am 65 years old and I know of No Body that has tried beans for anything except mabey chilie and beans, too much gas. Coop

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