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Everything posted by JudoBaggins

  1. I have seen pictures of two gravity flow wineries. While searching for them I found a third http://www.calerawine.com/trade/graphics.html
  2. To add to the confusion CARL Artisan Distilleries and Brewing Systems has a trademark character on the term "Artisan Distilling Workshop" on their website. http://www.brewing-distilling.com/page11/page11.html
  3. Go to their website. Copy their text. They use the term "artisan distilling workshop" to describe their workshop without the trademark character. I think this pretty conclusive evidence that it is not their trademark. If it is truely a trademark then it should always be marked trademark when it is used by the trademark holder. You can have a trademark without registering it. So pending trademark is really pending registered trademark. Kenton
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