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Everything posted by Copperstill

  1. I think this should all be viewed like what happened in the record industry. Major labels vs. Independent labels. Indie labels are smaller and more maneuverable in a business sense, and were more sensitive to what the market wanted. They play in between the cracks of the large pigeon holes the Major labels used. They are sometimes owned partially or wholly by a larger label but are given autonomy to continue doing what they did to become successful. Is the term independent or indie or boutique distiller something we should consider using? On the flip side I've tried many NGS based products slapped into a fancy bottle that tastes like @#$* from "micro-distillers". Someone like that calling them selves a "craft" or "artisan" distiller is like a man who doesn't know poop goes down hill calling himself a master/journeyman plumber. For this reason I come to Mr. Coals defense for if we aren't careful we will destroy these terms in the public eye. Chuck Chowdery expressed this in another post too in different words.
  2. I see where your going with this Chuck and I do appreciate it. I personally don't care to much about what a spirit maker calls him/herself although I do find it a little pretentious to title your self its much like giving yourself your own nickname (ace,killer,). Its what you can do and make that is more important proof is in the product. I've met people that take on the title of Master Distiller and make crap, so what in 5 years they will be gone. People that can 1. make good product and run a business and 2. get positive reviews for their hard work will still be there. As for the consumer's view of this all most of them don't no squat about spirit anyway. They may know what they like but the don't really know why they like it or have the ability to put it into context of other products. That were you and others like you come in Review, Critique let the best rise to the top through their merits.
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