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Jay G

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Everything posted by Jay G

  1. I believe that this will be a good change. I hope it extends so far as to include a requirement for spirits to include ingredients on the labels. No offense, but far too many beers and spirits have unnecessary ingredients added, or ingredients that may cause problems for diabetics or people with health problems added. With that concern, I think it will be easier for small craft distillers to handle this - send it to a lab and get tested - than large distillers who may have something to hide (glucose, preservatives, etc.) Of course, I look at this from a business perspective of any business being required to add on additional labeling. The food industry as a whole has dealt with this already, this does not seem like that large of a leap, although it will increase some labeling costs.
  2. Greetings: My interest is in distillery business models and the ones that work versus the ones that do not. I am considering opening a distillery some day (not immediately), but appear to have years of material to read and plan in the mean time. - J
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