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Ukraine - Russia's perfidious attack, a chronicle of events


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On February 24, Russia launched a large-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Russian troops are shelling and destroying key infrastructure facilities,

conducting massive shelling of residential areas of Ukrainian cities and villages.

I am in the capital of Ukraine, the city of Kyiv.
I do not leave the city, I follow what is happening here, reassure my family and friends, explain the situation and follow the press reports.

A lot of panic messages, a lot of fake news from Russian propaganda.
I select only the information that has confirmation.
As a former military man (in the distant past), I have a good understanding of how hostilities are conducted and what weapons are used.

I will answer all your questions.

Since February 24, Russia has attacked Ukraine, many cities of Ukraine have been destroyed.

Because of the war, I lost my business in Ukraine, if you want to help me and my family, my Paypal is: Alex.Sor.2022@gmail.com

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Almost half a million ammunition in a week: the Russian Federation increased the number of shelling in the east

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine revealed in what hell Ukrainian soldiers continue counter-offensive actions.

Russian invaders have increased the number of shelling in eastern Ukraine.

This was announced by Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Anna Malyar.

According to her, last week the enemy carried out more than 9,000 shellings. Malyar noted that the enemy fired "nearly half a million rounds of ammunition" in the east last week alone.

"In such continuous artillery fire, our fighters continued offensive operations in the Bakhmut direction," the deputy minister noted.
War in Ukraine - latest news from the front

The Russian invaders are unsuccessfully advancing in several directions, the Ukrainian forces continue their counteroffensive. During the day there were 50 collisions.

Over the past day, the Ukrainian Defense Forces have inflicted about two dozen strikes on enemy concentration areas. Over the past 24 hours, aviation has delivered 10 strikes against areas where enemy personnel are concentrated. Another 4 strikes were inflicted on the anti-aircraft missile systems of the invaders.

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On August 6, Ukrainian forces attacked two key road bridges along the territories that connect occupied Crimea and occupied Kherson region. This forced Russian forces to divert vehicle traffic from shorter eastern routes to longer western routes, analysts at the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) emphasize.

“Ukrainian strikes on bridges along critical Russian land lines are part of Ukraine’s blockade campaign aimed at setting the stage for future decisive counter-offensives. ... They are likely to interrupt the transport of Russian personnel, materiel and equipment from occupied Crimea to critical Russian defensive operations in the west of the Zaporozhye region and on the border of the Zaporozhye and Donetsk regions for some indefinite time," the report says.

The ISW suggests that the extent of the damage to the Genichesk Strait bridge will likely force Russian forces to divert military transport from the Arabat Spit to longer western routes between occupied Crimea and occupied Kherson region.

"Most if not all Russian road transport between Crimea and Kherson Oblast will run along or very close to one 20 km section of the M-17 highway between Ishun and Armyansk. This is the main bottleneck in Russian terrestrial communication lines. This will likely to significant disruptions in logistics, delays and traffic jams,” analysts say.

ISW emphasizes that Ukrainian forces are also stepping up efforts to intercept Russian naval targets involved in Russian logistics in the Black Sea.

"Ukrainian officials have consistently declared their commitment to a campaign of deliberate blocking of Russian military targets in order to degrade Russia's logistics and defense capabilities in order to create favorable conditions for Ukraine's future counter-offensive activities," analysts recall.


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Russia continues to spread fakes about Ukraine. After biological laboratories, combat mosquitoes and "dirty" bombs, the Russians began to spread nonsense about the alleged sale of Ukrainian organs.

This is reported by the Center for Countering Disinformation. "The enemy is spreading a fake announcement about the sale of organs of "purebred Ukrainians" on the black market for Europeans. As noted in the announcement, the price starts from 5,000 euros, and a 50% discount is possible on certain organs upon request," the message says.

It is noted that, in fact, this is another fake of Russia as part of the Black Transplant campaign of informational influence. The JRC analyzed the resources where such information is disseminated and came to the conclusion that they were created for the purpose of provocations and discrediting Ukraine.

Fake Russia about Ukraine

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Russian Federation has been spreading fakes about our country at every opportunity. He does this both in the media and on international platforms. One of them is the UN Security Council. Thus, Vasily Nebenzya, the permanent representative of the Russian Federation, said that Ukraine was preparing a "dirty" bomb. He is also the author of many ridiculous statements regarding fighting mosquitoes, which Ukraine allegedly uses in the war against the Russian Federation.

But the fakes don't end there. It seems that boundless faith in Ukrainian scientists does not fade in Russia, because, according to the propagandists of the aggressor country, Ukraine allegedly destroys crops in the Lugansk region and in the Russian Federation with the help of "combat locusts."

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The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 07.08.23 were approximately:


Situation update as of 6.00 p.m., August 6, 2023
Day 529 of the russian full-scale military aggression against Ukraine continues.
During the day, the enemy launched 30х missile and 48х air strikes, fired 32х MLRS attacks at the positions of Ukrainian troops and settlements. As a result of the russian terrorist attacks, unfortunately, there are dead and wounded among the civilian population, residential buildings and other civilian infrastructure were destroyed.
The probability of launching missile and air strikes on the entire territory of Ukraine remains high.
There were 30x combat engagements during the day of August 6.
On the Volyn and Polissya axes, the operational situation has not changed significantly.
In the Siverskyi and Slobozhanskyi axes, the enemy shelled more than 30x settlements, in particular Buchky, Hremyach (Chernihiv oblast); Bobylivka, Vyshenki, Svarkove, Timofiivka, Pavlivka (Sumy oblast) and Odnorobivka, Kozacha Lopan, Ohirtseve, Varvarivka, Khatnye (Kharkiv oblast).
In the Kupyanskyi axis, our soldiers are firmly holding the defense, successfully repulsed enemy attacks in the area east of Petropavlivka, (Kharkiv oblast). The enemy carried out airstrikes in the Petropavlivka and Podoly districts of the Kharkiv oblast. The invaders fired artillery and mortars at more than 10x settlements, including Kamyanka, Novomlynsk, Zapadne, Petropavlivka, and Kupyansk-Vuzlovy (Kharkiv oblast).
On the Lymanskyi axis, the enemy carried out airstrikes in the areas of Bilohorivka (Luhansk oblast) and Spirne and Rozdolivka (Donetsk oblast). The settlements of Kuzmine, Bilohorivka of the Luhansk oblast and Torske, Verkhnyokamianske, Rozdolivka of the Donetsk oblast were hit by enemy artillery fire.
In the direction of Bakhmut, defense forces are restraining the enemy in the area northeast of Diliivka. More than 10[ settlements, including Orihovo-Vasylivka, Markove, Chasiv Yar, Predtechyne, Bila Hora and New York of the Donetsk oblast, were affected by enemy artillery shelling.
In the Avdiivka axis, under heavy fire from the enemy's aircraft and artillery, our defenders successfully repelled attacks by russian troops in the Avdiivka area. Avdiivka and Pervomaiske of the Donetsk oblast were hit by artillery fire.
In the Maryinka axis, the defense forces continue to hold back the advance of russian troops in the areas of Maryinka and Krasnohorivka. The enemy launched an airstrike in the Krasnohorivka district of the Donetsk oblast. Krasnohorivka, Hostre, Heorhiivka, Maryinka and Novomykhailivka in Donetsk oblast were hit by artillery fire.
On the Shakhtarskyi axis, the enemy launched an air strike in the Staromayorske area. Vodyane, Vuhledar, Blahodatne and Staromayorske of the Donetsk oblast were hit by artillery fire.
In the Zaporizhzhia direction, the enemy carried out unsuccessful offensive actions in the Robotyne district of the Zaporizhzhia oblast. The enemy carried out airstrikes near Mala Tokmachka, Robotyne, and Orikhiv. Artillery shelling was experienced more than
10[ settlements, including Novodarivka, Malynivka, Hulyaipole, Vesele, Mali Shcherbaky, and Pyatykhatkt of the Zaporizhzhia oblast, as well as Nikopol of the Dnipropetrovsk oblast.
On the Kherson axis, the enemy launched an airstrike in the Olhivka area of the Kherson oblast. The enemy was subjected to more than artillery fire 15[ settlements, including Zolota Balka, Novooleksandrivka, Dudchany, Zmiivka, Tokarivka, Kherson and Kizomys of the Kherson oblast.
At the same time, the Defense Forces of Ukraine continue to conduct an offensive operation in the Melitopol and Berdyansk axes, are entrenched at the reached boundaries, and carry out counter-battery countermeasures.
Over the past day, the aviation of the defense forces has struck 10x strikes on areas where the enemy's personnel, weapons and military equipment are concentrated, and 2x strikes on the occupiers' anti-aircraft missile complexes.
During the day, units of missile forces and artillery hit 2x control points, 2x areas of concentration of personnel, 2x artillery means in firing positions and one radio-electronic warfare station of the enemy.
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The total amount of US aid to Ukraine has exceeded that of any other country.

According to The Washington Post, this amount has already reached $66.2 billion. It is noted that $43.1 billion is military assistance, $20.5 billion is the share of economic support and another $2.6 billion is humanitarian aid.

The publication emphasized that this amount exceeds the aid that the United States provides to any other country and "exceeded the bilateral support of other US allies", including Israel, Jordan and Egypt.

According to experts, this is in fact "a US investment in an ally", the likes of which have not been seen since the Marshall Plan. At that time, the volume of aid, adjusted for inflation, amounted to about $150 billion over three years.

U.S. aid to Ukraine has already surpassed the cost of Twitter ($44 billion), the James Webb Space Telescope ($10 billion) and the Biden administration’s student loan plan ($39 billion).

While the United States is Ukraine's largest donor, other countries have contributed a much larger percentage of their GDP to help Ukraine. Thus, according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Europe now spends a larger share of its GDP in Ukraine than the United States.
US aid

The United States has actually been helping Ukraine financially and with weapons since the beginning of a full-scale war in Ukraine.

The latest aid package included various complexes, missiles, ammunition, armored vehicles and anti-tank weapons. It was valued at $400 million.

At the same time, the leader of the Republican Party in the US Senate, Mitch McConnell, said that the States should accelerate the supply of military assistance to Ukraine.



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How did it happen that Russia is at war with NATO as a country that is not a member of NATO, and at the same time this country should be infinitely grateful for every projectile from NATO?
How did it happen that a non-NATO country without a fleet successfully destroys the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, making the Black Sea the internal sea of NATO fleets and at the same time has no support from the Alliance at sea?
How did it happen that after numerous threats by the Kremlin clique to Washington, London, Berlin, Warsaw and other capitals of Western Civilization, the main blow was taken by a country outside NATO, the EU, the G7, etc.?
How did it happen that the co-founder of the UN and the world's largest donor of nuclear security became a victim of aggression without any attempt by the UN to bring in any contingent to protect sovereign borders?
How did it happen that instead of ensuring the established world order, the head of the UN comes to milk a country dripping with blood so that it feeds African nations?
How did it happen that a country that was completely occupied by one division of the USSR with almost no losses and is now under the protectorate of NATO has the audacity to try to decide how to surrender to Ukraine?
How did it happen that countries that have achieved nothing on their own without the States and the EU reproach Ukraine, which has been fighting for its right to independent existence for 10 years, that modernization is somehow not going very briskly?
Why do only a small fraction of people in the West realize that the loss of Ukraine will lead to a chain reaction of wars all over the planet?
Why does only a small fraction of people in the West realize that the loss of Ukraine will lead to the production of nuclear bombs in all countries of the world?
Why is it that only a small fraction of people in the West realize that the costs of maintaining the existing world order are nothing compared to a new round of colonial wars?

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On the evening of Monday, August 7, the Russians hit a multi-story residential building in the city of Pokrovsk, Donetsk region, with a rocket.

As of Tuesday morning, 7 dead and 67 injured are known, the Ministry of Internal Affairs informs.

"67 were injured, including 29 police officers, 7 rescuers and 2 children. We are resuming the demolition of the debris. At night, we were forced to suspend work due to the high threat of repeated shelling," the message says.

As of 01:00 it was known about seven dead and 57 wounded and injured. The head of the Pokrov military administration, Sergey Dobryak, reported that among the injured, several were in serious condition.

Updated (7:42 a.m.): The head of the OVA Pavel Kyrylenko clarifies that among the dead are 5 civilians, 1 employee of the State Security Service, 1 - military.

"Among the wounded are 29 civilians (including two children born in 2006 and 2012), 29 police officers, 7 employees of the State Emergency Service and two military personnel," he notes.






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US to send Kyiv first $200 mln of arms freed by $6.2 bln 'accounting error'


WASHINGTON, Aug 7 (Reuters) - President Joe Biden's administration will announce $200 million of new weapons aid for Ukraine as soon as Tuesday, U.S. officials told Reuters, as it begins to dole out $6.2 billion of funds discovered after a Pentagon accounting error over-valued billions of Ukraine aid, two U.S. officials said on Monday.

In May, the Pentagon announced it had mistakenly assigned a higher-than-warranted value to the U.S. weaponry shipped to Kyiv when staff used "replacement value" instead of "depreciated value" to tabulate the billions worth ammunition, missiles and other equipment sent to Ukraine.


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The United States of America has officially approved the shipment of the first batch of Abrams tanks to Ukraine. This was stated by Doug Bush, head of the supply department of the army, at a briefing, writes CNN.

They will be sent this weekend. First, the American battle tanks must get to Europe, on the territory of Ukraine Abrams should wait until the beginning of autumn. Along with them, "everything that comes with them" will arrive, Bush said in a comment to journalists.

"Ammunition, spare parts, fuel equipment, repair facilities. So it's not only about tanks, but also about everything that is attached to them. It's still in the process," he added.

Abrams for Ukraine: what is known

Recall that at the beginning of this year, the President of the United States of America, Joseph Biden, announced that Ukraine would receive 31 Abrams battle tanks and repair and evacuation vehicles for them.

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Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russia has deconserved more than 40% of the old Soviet armored personnel carrier tanks from the Vagzhanovo military equipment in Buryatia.

According to The Moscow Times, "Vagzhanovo" is located near Ulan-Ude and occupies about 13 square meters. km In September 2021, almost 3,840 units of armored vehicles were stored there under the open sky. Already after eight months of war - in November 2022 - about 2,600 armored vehicles remained at the base, and by May 2023 - about 2,270.

During this time, 1,570, or 40.8%, of armored vehicles were removed from the base. Moreover, most of it (32%) was exported after the announcement of mobilization at the end of 2022.

According to the data of the Dutch military-analytical project Oryx, by the summer of 2023, Russia had lost more than 2,000 tanks in the war with Ukraine. Reconserved equipment is also used for palliative replacement of artillery.

     "In addition, it is possible to remove barrels and transmissions from tanks in stock for overhaul of existing tanks and for the restoration of other tanks removed from storage," the publication writes.






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There is an advance of the Ukrainian military in the Melitopol and Berdyansk directions. The soldiers entered the first line of defense of the occupiers, Sergei Kuzmin, deputy commander of the operational and strategic group of troops "Tavria" for strategic communications, reported on the air of the telethon.

He noted that today, in the direction of Melitopol, our troops are continuing offensive actions in the area of Rabotino settlement (Zaporizhia region). "There are certain advances, hundreds of meters in this direction," Kuzmin said.

According to him, offensive actions are also continuing in the Berdyansk direction, there is also progress there.

Kuzmin noted that our military has already entered the first line of the invaders. "It is very difficult, our military forces push through it, we are moving forward. This movement is slowed down by minefields and our lack of aviation," he said.
The deputy commander of the "Tavria" troop group reported that there is very dense enemy mining of the territory - there are many minefields, mine barriers, almost the entire area is mined. At the same time, he added that there are also engineering obstacles there - bunkers, concrete structures, anti-tank ditches.

     "There are a lot of Russians there - there are no fewer than mines per square meter," Kuzmin said.

He noted that their quantity and quality are changing - there are more prepared occupiers, second-line reserves are being recruited, in particular, there are more marine units, paratrooper units, and separate groups of special forces are working.

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The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 08.08.23 were approximately:


Situation update as of 6 a.m., August 8, 2023
Day 531 of the russian full-scale military aggression against Ukraine has begun.
During the day of August 7, the enemy launched 7x missile and 42x air strikes, 66x MLRS attacks at the positions of Ukrainian troops and various settlements. Unfortunately, the russian terrorist attacks have killed and wounded civilians, destroyed residential buildings and other infrastructure.
The likelihood of missile and air strikes across Ukraine remains high.
During the day of August 7, there were 37x combat engagements.
Volyn and Polissya axes: no significant changes.
Sivershchyna and Slobozhanshchyna axes: the enemy fired mortars and artillery at more than 30x settlements, including Mykhal’chyna Sloboda, Hrem’yach, Khrinivka (Chernihiv oblast), Basivka, Stepok, Volfyne, Pavlivka (Sumy oblast), Udy, Okhrimivka, Neskuchne, Bochkove, Ambarne (Kharkiv oblast).
Kup’yans’k axis: the Ukrainian troops are standing their ground. They successfully repelled adversary attacks in the vicinities of Syn’kivka, north of Ivanivka (Kharkiv oblast), and south of Novoselivs’ke (Luhansk oblast). The enemy launched air strikes in the vicinities of Kruhlyakivka and Kucherivka (Kharkiv oblast). The invaders fired artillery and mortars at more than 15x settlements, including Dvorichna, Zapadne, Petropavlivka, Podoly, Krasne, and Kup’yans’k-Vuzlovyi (Kharkiv oblast).
Lyman axis: the settlements of Kuz’myne, Bilohorivka (Luhansk oblast), Tors’ke, Verkhn’okam’yans’ke, Spirne, and Rozdolivka (Donetsk oblast) were shelled with artillery.
Bakhmut axis: the adversary attempted offensive operations in the vicinities of Andriivka, Kurdyumivka, and Druzhba (Donetsk oblast), to no success. More than 10x settlements, including Orikhovo-Vasylivka, Ivanivske, Markove, and Chasiv Yar, (Donetsk oblast), suffered from enemy artillery shelling.
Avdiivka axis: under heavy fire from enemy aircraft and artillery, the Ukrainian defenders successfully repelled russian troops’ attacks in the vicinity of Avdiivka. Keramik, Nevel’s’ke, Novobakhmutivka, Avdiivka, Sjeverne, Tonen’ke, Novokalynove, and Pervomais’ke (Donetsk oblast) came under artillery fire.
Mar’inka axis: the Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to hold back the russian offensive in the vicinity of Mar’inka. The enemy also launched an air strike there. Krasnohorivka, Oleksandropil’, Hostre, Heorhiivka, Mar’inka, Pobjeda, Novomykhailivka, and Kostyantynivka (Donetsk oblast) were shelled by artillery.
Shakhtars’ke axis: the enemy launched an air strike in the vicinity of Odradne (Donetsk oblast). Vodyane, Vuhledar, Prechystivka, Zolota Nyva, Velyka Novosilka, Blahodatne, Storozheve, Staromaiors’ke, and Rivnopil’ (Donetsk oblast) came under artillery fire.
Zaporizhzhia axis: the enemy made unsuccessful attempts to regain the lost position in the vicinity of Robotyne (Zaporizhzhia oblast). The adversary launched air strikes in the vicinities of Huliaipilske, Mala Tokmachka, and Orikhiv. The enemy fired artillery at more than 15x settlements, including Novodarivka, Komyshuvakha, Shcherbaky, Orikhiv, P’yatykhatky, (Zaporizhzhia oblast), and Nikopol’ (Dnipropetrovsk oblast).
Kherson axis: the adversary launched air strikes in the vicinities of Zmiivka, Tomaryne, and Odradokam’yanka (Kherson oblast). More than 15x settlements, including Ol’hivka, Sadove, Prydniprovs’ke, Respublikanets’, Kherson, and Kizomys, came under enemy artillery fire.
At the same time, the Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to conduct the offensive operation on Melitopol’ and Berdyans’k axes, consolidating their positions, and conducting counter-battery fire.
During the day of August 7, Ukrainian Air Force launched 9x air strikes on the concentrations of troops, weapons and military equipment of the adversary.
Also, the Ukrainian defenders intercepted 1x Ka-52 helicopter and 2x operational-tactical level reconnaissance UAVs of the enemy.
During the day of August 7, the Ukrainian missile and artillery troops hit 2x command posts, 3x concentrations of troops, weapons, and military equipment, 5x artillery systems at their firing positions depots, and 2x radar stations of the adversary.
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A Shortage Of Optics Was Holding Back Russian Tank Production. That Shortage May Have Ended.


Their optics. Before Russian forces invaded Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula back in 2014, Russia’s two active tank plants—Uralvagonzavod in Sverdlovsk Oblast and Omsktransmash in Siberia—sourced Catherine-FC thermal cameras, the core component of the Sosna-U gunner’s sight, from French firm Thales.

French sanctions on Russia barred the export of the thermal cameras. Which is why, as Russian tank losses exceeded a thousand last summer—roughly a year into Russia’s wider war on Ukraine—the Kremlin began pulling old T-62, T-72 and T-80 tanks out of long-term storage and fitting them with 1970s-vintage 1PN96MT-02 sights.

The Russians simply didn’t have enough Sosna-Us in stock to complete more than a few hundred of the latest T-72B3s, T-80BVMs and T-90Ms. They even created new, downgraded versions of these tanks that traded the unavailable Sosna-U for the available 1PN96MT-02.

That mattered because the result, for Russian battalions on the front lines, was a bunch of tanks that couldn’t fight very well at long distances, especially at night.

The Ukrainians at the same time were rearming with German-made Leopard 1A5 and Leopard 2A4/A6 tanks, Swedish-made CV90 infantry fighting vehicles and M-2 and Stryker IFVs from the United States—all combat vehicles with excellent long-range optics. For Kyiv’s troops, Russia’s industrial woes translated into an important battlefield advantage.

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Ukraine submitted to the Ministry of Defense of the United States of America the first report on the use of American DPICM cluster munitions in the fight against Russia. This is reported by CNN with reference to an unnamed Ukrainian official.

According to the source, the report, the details of which are not disclosed, included information on the number of shells fired and the number of destroyed Russian targets.

The report on the use of cluster munitions, widely banned in the world, was expected. Last month, in an interview with CNN, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov announced that he plans to submit such a report to his colleague, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.



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During the nighttime massive attack with the use of shock drones, the Russian invaders hit the Rivne region, reported the head of the Rivne region military administration, Vitaliy Koval.

"At night, the Rivne region was subjected to a massive attack by drones. Unfortunately, the oil base in the Duben region was destroyed. There were no victims. 45 rescuers and 14 pieces of equipment are working at the scene. A fire train is involved. The relevant investigative commissions are also working, headed by the leaders of the regional security forces." - he noted.

According to Koval, the chemical and radiation background is normal, so there will be no evacuation of the population.



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The number of people killed as a result of the occupiers' attack on Zaporizhzhia has risen to three, in addition, 9 people are known to have been injured, among them an 11-month-old child.

"A Russian projectile took the lives of a 43-year-old man and young women aged 19 and 21," - reported the head of Zaporozhye OVA Yury Malashko.

He specified that in a day the military of the Russian Federation carried out 82 strikes on 21 populated areas of the Zaporozhye region. "As a result of the attack on Gulyaipol, a family suffered: women 55 and 66 years old and men 39 and 68 years old were injured, who were quickly taken to the medical institution of the regional center," Malashko added.

In addition, as the Minister of Internal Affairs Igor Klymenko added, another woman died in the hospital in the morning. "As of 8:30 a.m., three people were killed and 9 were injured. One person is in a serious condition," the minister reported in detail.

The National Police also reported that law enforcement officers documented the consequences of an enemy Kh-35 missile hitting the regional center.








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On the night of August 10, the Russian occupiers struck with Iranian drones from the north-eastern direction from the Kursk region.

This is stated in the message of the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. "The attack continued from 11:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. In total, the Russian invaders used 10 Shahed-136/131 attack UAVs," the Air Force said.

The forces and means of anti-aircraft defense of the Air Force in cooperation with units of other components of the Defense Forces destroyed seven enemy drones. Anti-aircraft guided missiles and small arms of direct cover units are used.



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The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 10.08.23 were approximately:



Situation update as of 6 a.m., August 10, 2023
Day 533 of the russian full-scale military aggression against Ukraine has begun.
During the day of August 9, the enemy launched 3x missile and 50x air strikes, 59x MLRS attacks at the positions of Ukrainian troops and various settlements. Unfortunately, the russian terrorist attacks have killed and wounded civilians, destroyed residential buildings and other civilian infrastructure.
The likelihood of missile and air strikes across Ukraine remains high.
During the day of August 9, there were 30x combat engagements.
Volyn and Polissya axes: no significant changes.
Sivershchyna and Slobozhanshchyna axes: the enemy fired mortars and artillery at more than 40x settlements, including Khrinivka, Semenivka, Buchky, Yasna Polyana (Chernihiv oblast), Znob-Novhorods’ke, Bunyakyne, Volfyne, Stepok, Velyka Pysarivka (Sumy oblast), Chervona Zorya, Mali Prokhody, Hatyshche, Varvarivka, Rublene, and Odradne (Kharkiv oblast).
Kup’yans’k axis: the Ukrainian defenders successfully repelled russian troops’ attacks in the area north of Syn’kivka and northeast of Ivanivka (Kharkiv oblast). The invaders fired artillery and mortars at more than 10x settlements, including Dvorichna, Masyutivka, Petropavlivka, Kucherivka, and Kyslivka (Kharkiv oblast).
Lyman axis: the adversary launched air strikes in the vicinities of Bilohorivka (Luhansk oblast), Spirne, and Vesele (Donetsk oblast). The settlements of Nevs’ke, Bilohorivka (Luhansk oblast), Tors’ke, Verkhn’okam’yans’ke, Spirne, and Rozdolivka (Donetsk oblast) were shelled with enemy artillery.
Bakhmut axis: the Ukrainian troops are standing their ground, and have successfully repelled enemy attacks on the outskirts of Klishchiivka and northeast of Druzhba (Donetsk oblast). The adversary launched an air strike in the vicinities of Klishchiivka. More than 15x settlements, including Malynivka, Markove, Bakhmut, Ivanivske, Bila Hora and Pleshchiivka (Donetsk oblast), suffered from enemy artillery shelling.
Avdiivka axis: under heavy fire from enemy aircraft and artillery, the Ukrainian defenders successfully repelled russian troops’ attacks in the vicinity of Avdiivka and southeast of Sjeverne (Donetsk oblast). The enemy launched an air strike in the vicinity of Avdiivka (Donetsk oblast). Avdiivka, Karlivka, Pervomais’ke, and Nevel’s’ke (Donetsk oblast) came under artillery fire.
Mar’inka axis: the Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to hold back the russian offensive in the vicinity of Mar’inka (Donetsk oblast). The enemy launched an air strike in the vicinity of Krasnohorivka (Donetsk oblast). Krasnohorivka, Heorhiivka, Mar’inka, Paraskoviivka, and Novomykhailivka (Donetsk oblast) were shelled by artillery.
Shakhtars’ke axis: the enemy made unsuccessful attempts to regain the lost position in the vicinity of Staromaiors’ke (Donetsk oblast). The invaders launched air strikes in the vicinities of Blahodatne and Staromaiors’ke (Donetsk oblast). Vuhledar, Odradne, Velyka Novosilka, Blahodatne, Storozheve, and Staromaiors’ke (Donetsk oblast) came under artillery fire.
Zaporizhzhia axis: the enemy conducted unsuccessful offensive operations in the area south of Novodanylivka (Zaporizhzhia oblast). More than 20x settlements, including Temyrivka, Chervone, Bilohir’ya, Shcherbaky, Stepove, Novooleksandrivka (Zaporizhzhia oblast), and Nikopol’ (Dnipropetrovsk oblast), were shelled with artillery.
Kherson axis: the adversary launched an air strike in the vicinity of Kozats’ke (Kherson oblast). More than 25x settlements came under enemy artillery fire, including Mykhailivka, Chervonyi Mayak, Ol’hivka, Prydniprovs’ke, Berehove, Stanislav, the city of Kherson (Kherson oblast), Kutsurub, and Ochakiv (Mykolaiv oblast).
At the same time, the Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to conduct the offensive operation on Melitopol’ and Berdyans’k axes, consolidating their positions, and conducting counter-battery fire.
During the day of August 9, Ukrainian Air Force launched 10x air strikes on the concentrations of troops, weapons, and military equipment, 1x air strike on the anti-aircraft missile system, as well as 1x air strike on the logistics hub of the adversary.
During the day of August 9, the Ukrainian missile and artillery troops hit 3x command posts, 6x artillery systems at their firing positions, 1x concentration of personnel, weapons, and military equipment, 1x ammunition depot, 1x electronic warfare station, and 1x important target of the adversary.
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US President Joe Biden signed an executive order limiting US investment in the production of certain types of technologies and products related to national security in China.

This is stated in an official message on the White House website, Ukrinform reports.

The order authorizes the U.S. Treasury Secretary to "regulate U.S. investments in countries of concern" and in organizations engaged in activities related to sensitive technologies critical to national security. It is primarily about the sectors of semiconductors and microelectronics, quantum information technologies and artificial intelligence.

"The President has designated the People's Republic of China, including the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Macao Special Administrative Region, as a country of concern," the document states.

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US President Joe Biden intends to ask Congress for additional funding of at least $25 billion. These funds, in particular, will be used to help Ukraine, Bloomberg reports, citing an informed source.

The additional funding request will include approximately $12 billion for disaster relief and $13 billion for defense, which includes spending on aid to Ukraine.

The request is likely to be added to the required short-term spending bill.
US assistance to Ukraine - you need to know

In May 2022, the United States allocated $40 billion, in March last year - $13.6 billion for military support to Ukraine. In December, Congress approved additional $45 billion in military support for Ukraine to last through the fiscal year ending September 30.

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The US State Department has approved a possible $15 billion sale of an integrated air and missile defense command and control system and related equipment to Poland. Warsaw decided to modernize its air defense system.

Reuters writes that despite the approval of the State Department, the report does not indicate that the contract has been signed or negotiations have been completed.

Europe's interest in American weapons has been boosted by demand for munitions, air defenses, communications equipment, man-portable Javelin missiles and drones, which have proven critical on the Ukrainian front.

The package will include 48 Patriot launchers and 644 Patriot Advanced Capability 3 Missile Segment Enhanced interceptor missiles, network links, sensors, accessories, parts and technical support, the Pentagon said.

The Pentagon's Defense and Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of the potential sale on Wednesday. The Pentagon said Raytheon Corp and Lockheed Martin were prime contractors for the weapons.

The threat to Poland from Belarus - what is known

From the first days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Warsaw helped repel the attack of the Russian invaders, including transferring its equipment.

After the coup attempt, the leader of the Wagner PMC, Yevgeny Prigozhin, allegedly intends to move to Belarus. Because of this, neighboring countries expressed their concern.

At the same time, Deputy Prime Minister Yaroslav Kaczynski said that the Polish authorities decided to strengthen their border with Belarus because of the arrival of Wagner PMC mercenaries there.


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Near the temporarily occupied Melitopol, Zaporozhye region, the bodies of Russian soldiers killed in battles with the Ukrainian Defense Forces are continuously burned.

Deputy Minister of Defense Anna Malyar informed about this. "Now there are active hostilities everywhere on the fronts. A lot of enemies are dying. Hundreds of dead every day both in the East and in the south," Malyar stressed.

At the same time, according to her, the command of the Russian occupation forces is trying to hide the real losses of personnel and is carrying out burials in the temporarily occupied territories without transporting the remains to the Russian Federation.

"So, near Melitopol in the Zaporozhye region, in an open area, the cremation of the bodies of Russian servicemen is almost continuously carried out, which are delivered by the occupiers in trucks. Local residents have been experiencing characteristic acrid smoke for a long time," the Deputy Minister noted.

"The invaders deliver the dead from the Kherson direction to the morgue of the Chaplinsky district hospital in the Kherson region, who are buried in two locations, one of them has an area of up to 100 hectares," Malyar added.

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The Ukrainian counter-offensive faces the most difficult tactical task imaginable - to overcome the fixed defenses that the Russians have built, so do not expect quick results. Retired US Army Lieutenant General Douglas Luth spoke about this in an interview with Radio Liberty.

“Imagine successive strips of minefields, obstacles, including physical obstacles like ditches and tank traps, direct fire lines controlled and observed, and artillery systems backed up by Russian attack helicopters,” Lut said.

He stressed that this is the most difficult tactical task and it is unlikely that the American army would have gone for it under such conditions as the Ukrainians are now operating.

“If the American unit did this, it would perform tasks only if it had superiority in artillery, which the Ukrainians do not have. And if it had an advantage in the air, that is, controlled the air over the combat space, and the Ukrainians do not have this advantage either. Therefore we unrealistically expect the Ukrainians to do something on the battlefield that American units would not even try," the US general stressed.

He noted that it is necessary to have realistic expectations, in the sense that this progress will be slow, and there will be sacrifices and losses on the Ukrainian side, since they do not have all the necessary capabilities.

In particular, he noted that the Ukrainians do not have sufficient capacity for demining, and penetration through minefields is much slower than expected.

"So I think there needs to be a dose of realism here in terms of what the Ukrainians are trying to do and how quickly they can succeed," the US general said.

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For the first time, the network showed the consequences of an attack by a sea drone on a large landing ship (BDK) of the Russian Federation "Olenegorsky miner" near Novorossiysk.

According to the VChK-OGPU project, the BDK received significant damage as a result of an attack by a surface drone. There was a huge hole in the hull.

The photo shows that the size of the hole is quite large, especially compared to a person standing next to the damage site. So far, the Russians have not commented on whether the BDK will be repaired.




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