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Race Label experience.


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Sharing my experience with Race Label in case anyone is looking for a manual label applicator.  A couple years ago I purchased a used Race Label machine in the forums here.   We're close to opening and so I pulled it out and started to learn it. I realized that the unit that I bought was not equipped for separate front and back labels.  I reached out to Race Label and got my call returned withing hours.  Ed was extremely helpful and realized that my unit may need a significant upgrade to apply my labels to my bottles.  He asked me to ship the machine and some bottles/labels.  He worked on it the day he got it and was able to set the machine up for my labels/bottles without any need for the big upgrade.  Saved hundreds of $$ at a time when I need to save hundreds of $$.  Ed install the gap tool, cleaned the machine up and shipped it back to me.  I could not be happier with Race.  


Race products are well regarded (big reason why I purchased a used Race unit) so I wanted to shine light on the company and how they treat customers.  10 out of 10 highly recommend. 


Bob Dillon

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