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Daily and Monthly Reporting Methods


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We are brand new distillery recently licensed by the FED and working on our state license. I expect to have it done by mid-January and will then be off and running. Our operation is starting off very small so I am interested in simple solutions when they can be obtained (but I have not found one yet for this exercise)

One of the major hurdles it seems everyone faces is taking the time to track daily activities and then complete the monthly and quarterly reports.

We use Quickbooks for our accounting software but I am interested in what others are doing to comply with the regulations on monthly reports as well as daily logs. It seems many are using QB Manufacturing or POS and there are others that use the online distillingsolutions product.

Any comments on other solutions and / or how to integrate this into your daily logs. Are you keeping paper logs and then re-entering the information into the computer on a regular basis? What has been your success with these systems?

Thanks for the help in advance!


Yellow Rose Distilling

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I use Quickbooks to track my inventory of all products. Like Cheryl, I use spreadsheets that I created to track production, storage, and processing. Once those products are bottled (in the processing report), they are then built (as an assembly) in Quickbooks. I use Quickbooks to double check my spreadsheets and vice-versa. It works really well, for me.

As a side note, I started using paper documents to do our reports for the TTB then I switched to the online reporting. I really like the online reporting much, much better.

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Thanks for the replies. I am thinking about the spreadsheet + QB method. If I had time I would build a database with forms to replace the spreadsheets for daily logs. You could then setup a datalink to Excel and pull the data into the TTB forms. Someone should do that as a business opportunity, it would be helpful.

Anyone using QB for daily logging?

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