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Glass Inhibitor = Catch Basin


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For all the new people installing a floor drain for the first time, your city code will probably request that you install a glass inhibitor after the drain and before the P trap. This is to meet code for anyone who does bottling. If you don't know what a glass inhibitor is then you're not alone. It's a simple catch basin that will trap any glass particles in the water flow from the drain.

If you're in the works of putting in a floor drain, make sure your plumber is aware that you might need a catch basin between your drain and P trap.

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Always a good idea anyway. Also catches coins, rings, etc. In our area it can be nothing more than a mini-septic tank. Outgoing spout same as incoming,just some space from spout to bottom. Custom welded is normal around here.

Most garages require them also as a form of grease trap.

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