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55 gallon barrel spinner?


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A little background: my previous experience is in collecting blood products. Blood is a lot like a mash in that you have liquids and very small solids that you need to separate at a high rate. To do this we use a very small centrifuge with a continuous drain in the middle. The solids concentrate at the outside and we are able to collect the liquid from the center without clogging the microfilter. So:

Is anyone aware of a mechanism to spin a 55 gallon drum being used as a fermentation vessel, not very fast, just enough to push the grain to the outside part of the barrel so that I could hang a filtered hose in the middle of the barrel and pull off the beer without a bunch of cornmeal clogging my filter? I'm sure it could be custom built, but if it exists already for some other application, why reinvent the wheel?

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You might consider building a whirlpool barrel, much like they use in making beer to draw off the wort after boil. I've got one on my main still and it cuts my heating time in half. Look up whirlpool kettles and check them out. They have an angled sanitary fitting that whirlpools the wort and draws off clean wash.

Or, you could use sparkaloid or Biofine fining agents and wait overnight for it to clear out, then draw off your clean wash.

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I"m still around. I just don't have a lot of time for this forum right now. I have been moving to a 15 acre hobby farm with some outbuildings to build my distillery in. Spending lots of time and waiting for county ordinance changes. Thankfully I put a lot of time in before buying the property so I wouldn't get stuck without any options. Also, my kids are now involved with all kinds of summer activities, so that is eating my free time to read this and post this stuff. You can follow my project at : https://www.facebook.com/IsantiSpiritsLlc It is slow going as the county process is on a specific schedule and each thing follows the other. July 17th should be the final chapter in the county process. Then on to financing, getting equipment, applying for the DSP and getting all the whiskey I made at MSU during my internship and a few other visits.

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