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At iStill we have been producing and selling SPP for some time now. SPP, or Spiral Prismatic Packing, is the new low HETP packing that pretty much revolutionises vodka making. The height equivalent of a theoretical plate is well under 3 centimeters. This means you can achieve 40 re-distillations in a 4 feet column ...

Currently we are stepping up production. How? By developing a new SPP production machine. The new machine allows us to not just step up production. With the new machinery, that's completely computer controlled, we can produce every single spring at exactly the same parameters. 100% repeatable results on any individual spring that is. And one liter of packing holds like 30,000 springs ...

Here's a picture of the machine we are developing as we speak. I expect it to go to production in about a week time!

Regards Edwin.


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SPP's low HETP allows for 40 re-distillations on only 120 centimeters of column heigth. That means you can make better cuts to obtain a purer product at lower costs.

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  • 2 months later...

It took us more time than anticipated to bring our new SPP machines to produce 24/7 ... but we finally are stepping up production! Why it took us longer? Because we felt we needed even harder knives for even better cuts. The harder and sharper the knives in an SPP production machine, the better the cuts and the better the SPP will be.

We now have our all new hand made SPP cutting knives installed. The computers managing and controllilng the operations are re-calibrated. And we are stepping up to mass production at this very moment.

Sorry for those extended lead times on our SPP! They will be a thing from the past soon enough now. We hope the new SPP's performance will make up for the longer waiting time!


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