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Employee Age Requirements


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I always assumed that anyone working in the distillery would need to be 21 or older but am I correct? My 18 year old nephew was in a bad car accident a few months ago and he has some longer term issues associated with the brain injury he sustained. They are hopefully not permanent and I would like to put him to work when he's physically ready and we get launched, but with his age, I didn't think I could.

Anyone have any insight?

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Good morning,

In MT the law allows for 18 and up to sell beer, wine, and spirits. Basically the law was drafted to allow for convenience store workers under 21 but older than 18 to sell booze.

However, in our tasting room operation, we only hire 21 and up to sample and sell our products. We can hire 18 and up, we just chose to set a standard at 21 and up.



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It is a state issue only. TTB would allow you to employ a six year old, although I'm sure there are some general federal laws dealing with child laws. But 18 is simply not an issue federally. Call your local ABC and ask.

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