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Hello from England

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Hello all,

I have just joined the forum and thought I would post a hello.

I have just become a distiller at one of the newest distilleries to open in England. We are attempting to make a whisky to match the Scots at their own game, so will need plenty of luck as there is a lot of good stuff coming from north of the border.

Having recently moved from a life-sapping career in retail to become a distiller I can truly say it is the best decision I have made. The work might be hard (we have a very old fashioned design with little automation), the hours long and the pay on the lower end of the scale, but the rewards for my soul are incalculable.

I hope you all are enjoying the distilling life as much as I am, and long may it continue for everyone with a little 'The Man'-defying fire in the belly.

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