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What is it?


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Quick little game of what the hell is that?  The orange stuff is something new to me.  This is a new equipment "sacrificial" mash with mostly corn.  Smells like a normal bourbon mash.  It is extremely oily.  Corn oil?  Otherwise, maybe some fluid leaked into the mash from the gear box on the agitator?  All thoughts welcome.  I did not taste it.  Distilling now and I will see how the low wines taste.  


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We see that when we do an all corn mash. Depending on the variety of corn, we see some with more and some with less. If the kernels are a little darker down toward the tip, it seems to be more. Not sure exactly what it is, but I'd say "corn oil" is a good bet. Everything seems to ferment and distill out just fine.

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I get a very similar oil with rye.

Does anyone else see that with rye???

Unlike most others I get very little foaming with my rye and I have often suspected it is because of the natural oil in my rye variety.



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