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Plate and Frame Filtration


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My only comment is that you potentially will get a huge product loss at end of filtration due to prodcut remaining with the filter frame.  I personally would have used a cartridge filter.  Here you would also be able to achieve a more precise filtration.

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Here's a stainless filter housing that works well coupled with a polypropylene cartridge. We run two of them inline with 1 and 1/2 micron filters - http://www.ebay.com/itm/Industrial-Filter-Cartridge-Housing-stainless-steel-Hydro-Genics-Viton-seals/201912178353?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649

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I have been using a plate and frame filter for spirits for years. I also used it in wine making prior to getting into distilling so I got to practice on it and learn how to minimize losses with a less expensive product. After developing a good SOP on how to flush it after filtration, on average lose roughly 1-1.5 wine gallons of product at 80 proof, doing a 2 step filtration with a total of 14 pads. Depending on batch size and the amount of pads you use that number will go up or down. 

The filter I have is a Alpha Filter from Criveller.

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I have a brewer consultant I work with that makes his own for his clients- he's a whiz on the chemistry and what various types of filtration accomplishes.

PM and I can have him contact you...he's presently putting up three breweries, so it may be after hours.

Mike G

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