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Small Barrels vs. Underfilling 53G Barrels

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With the cost of smaller "half-sized" barrels being just as much if not more than the cost of regular 53 gallon barrels, has anyone simply half-filled a regular 53 gallon to achieve the same result?

Just off of the top of my head, I believe same concept of more surface area of wood to volume of liquid ratio would still apply. Thoughts?

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i think u would have to rotate ur barrels to get the effect your looking for(more surface  area per gallon ) . the half filled barrel is only in contact with half the surface area of the barrel . however a half filled barrel has more air space in it so that changes everything . might work tho , try it and let us know in 3 years . i think adding staves chips or baffles would increase ur surface area more effectively . 


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some say lower your entry proof to around 100 proof and fill 3/4 full. some people say rolling or rocking helps, others use chips and other wood additions help get more extracts; apple and other woods to achieve desired taste profiles. I think hot temperatures and sunlight through windows also help. 

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