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  1. I am having trouble finding the TTB regulation for handwriting the variable proof onto labels. Can you please guide me in the right direction? Thanks!
  2. Thank you for all of the feedback. We have measured the proof using an approved hydrometer and thermometer. We have used the TTB tables and also invested in an Anton Paar DMA-35, and have measured at 60F. To bring the proof back up we added 100 proof of the same product. It measured correctly, and then went back down the next day. We are at a loss here....If you have any further incite, please let me know. Thanks!
  3. Hi All, We have distilled an apple based brandy. We let it sit for at least 6 weeks in a glass carboy and then finished it using distilled water. We finished it half way, let it sit for 3 days, and then completed the other half of the finishing. After completing the finishing, we cooled the product overnight and then filtered the next day using a vinbrite wine filter. After we filtered, we measured it again and the proof went down about 0.6 proof gallons. We tried bringing the proof up after that and it goes right back down the next day. We have had the same experience with multiple batches. Any ideas on what the problem could be? Any incite would be great! Thanks!
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