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Posts posted by MVD

  1. First I must say that some of my favorite moments were spent in the back of a Chinook being driven by a warrant so "Cheer." Second, I am in full agreement that this community is not in competition with each other. The amount of available market that is still out there both domestic and internationally is astounding. Now, Perhaps that is just my naivety but I would imagine that there could be a very healthy mix of business boundaries and a helping hand within the craft community.

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  2. So I am in the very beginning stages of opening a small distillery. I am new to the industry but not to business. The years I spent in Combat arms with military may have made me a little (or a lot) suspicious of random kindness so I need to get a general feel of this industry. I have had more than a couple craft distilleries around my area offer to help me get started with advice, suggestions, lessons learned, I even had one guy who offer to take me into his building and walk me through his entire distillation process, Start-finish. I couldn't believe it. Is this industry really that mindful and open with each other or am I being let on?

    -Note- I am in favor of Suzzane Massie's famous quote for Regan, "Trust but Verify"

    Thanks All


  3. Hello,

    My name is Matthew, I am in the beginning stages of creating a veteran owned and operated Craft Distillery in Central Maine. As I am sure many people do, I have a multitude of questions and concerns and I am grateful for the insight and assistance that I have found on this forum organization thus far. Thank you all

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