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  1. Hello InsuranceMan 2.0 Yes - there is no need for "madness". I write from Europe (Poland). Yes - I am very angry (closed borders, great transport problems, a lot of orders, few transport possibilities, etc.) BUT !!! You gave an example - FLU. I will give an example - ITALY. There, large assembly rules were not followed. Italy year 2017/2018. 12 months - influenza patients with 8,700,000 people. 160 people have died. 0.002% of patients, on average On average, 13 people died a month. Italy 2 WEEKS 2020. 15,000 people suffering from coronavirus. 1016 people died. 6.7% on average. On average 73 people died PER DAY! THE MOST BLACK SCENARIO - coronavirus, the same number of people as for the flu - 8,700,000 people - about 600,000 deaths possible !!! Unstable statistics in Italy show that 98% of deaths - people over 65 years of age. That is why DISINFECTION is so important. And limiting personal contacts. Cezary
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