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Burning Still

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Posts posted by Burning Still

  1. What a jerk.

    I don't really want to stoop down to your level except to say your behaviour is very rude. Is he always like this?

    I'm happy to respond to anyone in a constructive fashion. This kind of drive by slander is just a little too childish.

    B.S.- what a perfect name for you, your initials say it all. Nope no dark conspiracy, just lying and misinformation, not the best way to join a community. Your site is made up of mediocre information you cut and pasted from elsewhere and the semi-original information you have is misleading and not incorrect in places. You do a dis-service to the distilling community.
  2. Well, you got me. Yes, I run an I.T. consulting firm. Yes, I am interested in the distilling industry. It's not a huge mystery. My interest is in developing a site that helps the distilling community focus and interact. It seemed to me that the community was lacking good places to meet and interact, read news, etc. ADI forum is certainly a good site. My goal is to combined reference material, original articles, summaries of other news articles and a blogging forum. We do not do blind RSS aggregation. I have no interest in 'poaching' content as you put it. Burning Still is a one stop source for distilling news with summaries, links and original content. In addition we focus on providing good online tools to distillers. We're working on a job board module among other things. Yes, this is a very young site. But, we do have a substantial stream of regular visitors and a number of distilleries registered.

    I'm happy to answer whatever question you may have. Really, there is no dark conspiracy.

    Burning Still

    I think this is a problem site for a few reasons, and it's troubling that I got no response on who is behind this. The registration on whois.com is to this company:


    Ocean Consulting

    P.O. Box 1151

    Vancouver, WA 98666



    Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Zone Contact:

    Ocean Consulting

    M. Olson

    P.O. Box 1151

    Vancouver, WA 98666




    When you go to the website for ocean consulting, it is a vague website about IT consulting, really nothing at all to do with craft distilling.

    There are a number of sites that borrow/steal content from sites as aggregators to sell ads and get rankings on the search engines, and this might be one of them - I have encountered a few in the blogosphere (I write a cocktail-focused blog too and sometimes people poach my content, etc.). I would recommend staying away from this site until someone says/claims responsibility that we actually know to be part of our community.

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