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Posts posted by Courtney

  1. You are a total spirits sales badass.  You're a strategist, with experience moving selling at a national level in closed and open states.  You're comfortable managing a team and want to help a brand go from moderate sales to over the moon sales, without sacrificing values.  You've had some great learning opportunities in the past but perhaps haven't found the company that allows you to spread your wings the way you want to.  You also like floating rivers, making time for shenanigans and know that the best way to live a life is to create that balance between working hard and playing hard.

    We're a distillery with great products, a great production team, an excellent team of sales personnel and an ability to produce our own distilled products on a high volume basis.  We're the largest distillery in the great State of Montana and we're looking to grow the success we've seen here and in other markets.  We're looking for someone who wants to live in Montana, manage the sales and marketing objectives and grow our sales with strong attention to strategy development as well as execution.  Someone who understands the balance between quality relationships and quantity of cases moved.  This isn't a seat of the pants kind of operation.  This is a darn fine business with a history of success.

    If we align on values: community, passion for Montana and the belief that a rising tide lifts all ships, then you should reach out to us about the opportunity to align forces.

    The position will be open until it's filled.  Compensation will be part salary, part commission, DOE.  Medical Insurance, PTO, 401(k) and more.  Please submit a resume and references to work@headframespirits.com 

    2017 Job Description Sales & Marketing Manager For Publication.pdf

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