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Posts posted by aw_

  1. I had reach out to him before when it was "Boffo", I asked him (because it is clearly just one dude) for a reference but he said his customer list was private.

    I saw that as an immediate red flag. He is either lying about ever having any customers, or he has no customers that would recommend him

    No one who does a good job, and is confident in the job they do, would shy away from giving references.

    And also, too many name changes. The only good reason a company changes its name is:
    1. Merger
    2. A Split

    Any other "rebranding" is almost always an attempt to get away from (hide) the reputation the previous name gave you. Like "facebook" becoming "Meta" after being labeled as the big bad company. Or "Twitter" becoming "X" because... well not really sure.

    So yeah, this guy seems to try really hard to get clients, but the fact that there are several of these threads about his company (search: Boffo, Pearson & Pearson, Keen (I think there is another name as well)) with no one recommending him, yeah.. red flag...

  2. I've heard some folks have good success with libdib. But haven't heard anyone mention libdib@rndc.
    I assumed it would just be libdib with RNDC's name on it for legal reasons. But then we got to pricing and i'm scratching my head as to how this is worth it.

    Everything I've read says I'd ship through fedex, and libdib/rndc would provide no sales or marketing support. The typical libdib model is they take 14% which seems reasonable to me for that service. But libdib@RNDC is a minimum of "28%" but they use some fun math calculating that, they actually are asking for around 45%.

    Is there something I'm missing that would justify that price? Does anyone have any experience with this?

  3. If anyone still is considering these: Whiskey Systems was purchased by FiveX (who owns Distillx5)

    And as they did with "Distillery Solutions" (which was renamed Distillx5) they took Whiskey Systems, made slight graphic design changes, absolutely no new features and jacked up the price. Our subscription was raised by $100 a month. As in, we now have to pay $450 a month.

    We never really thought $350 was a reasonable price, there is absolutely no way we will be paying an extra $100 for absolutely no new features.

    We started with Distillery Solutions, Didn't like when FiveX came in, so we switched to Whiskey Systems. But now that they've jacked up the prices we will likely be switching to OnBatch (hoochware)

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