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Posts posted by Ozman

  1. Unfortunately when these businesses go under, its the customers that lose out. Think of it as a pyramid scheme, and when the money stops coming in, those left the in the top half lose deposits and their orders as cash that was there, was mismanaged from the word go. Anyone with a Corson system lose their warranties straight away, and resale value of the still and equipment. It’s a lose lose all round. 

  2. Hi Indy - As far as I know they still were taking orders mid to late last year when we enquired. I read Jakes story with the letter from Corsons bankruptcy attorney and it would send shivers down anyone’s spine after putting in all that hard work and saving your life earnings. 

    An online search suggest that they were still trading and getting orders around Feb/Mar. It’s sad to see the company go under, but it sounds like there were some shady business practices going on, not to mention the poor quality control issues - and just unethical business practices. 

    These companies are usually a victim of their own success, due to the poor management of the business and cash flow. The brothers may have been an engineers and attorneys, but definitely no business people. Anyone in this industry does not plan to fail, but fail to plan - I have seen several micro breweries and small distilleries close their doors in Australia due to poor planning, but on face value were killing it. 

    In the mean time I am still in search of “the one”! 

  3. We have been searching the market to buy some equipment and found that Corson Distilling has now closed as of the start of April 2019. Thought this may be of use for anyone buying their equipment hoping to get warranty or parts. Buyer beware, but may be some good buying around if they don’t explode on you! 

    Attached is the official state filing. 



  4. On 19/10/2017 at 9:51 PM, whiskeytango said:

    Most likely it was the ink and not the software. The pantone colors are set in the programs regardless of if its pirated its just a number value. There should have been a press check before you went to print with them.   Press checks are very common no matter what software people run because the ink can vary from batch to batch the software doesn't change.  

    Absolutely could have been the case. China is all about time and keeping their machines running - but good to know the overall cause. 

  5. On 20/10/2017 at 6:12 AM, Alaskan Spirits LLC said:

    I have decided to use DYE and have put my deposit down.  They were on top of every question I had and provided references for me to call.  Every reference had the same hesitation as me, but in the end loved working with them.  They all got their equipment ON TIME, with no issues.  One reference said they needed a part and DYE sent it overnight through DHL.  Their customer service seems to be excellent.  I will post more once I get my equipment.  I am in Alaska so I will not be receiving until December.

    Will be interesting to hear how you go. I have heard some good things, but never through anyone directly so will be good to see the final result at your end. 

  6. Take colour for example. We got a bunch of prototypes (Packing) made and designed in China and the final result was what we were after. When they went to production, the colour that was specified was off, as they used a second provider to help meet deadlines. What  occurred, when they gave them the files, they put it in their system,  but the colours didnt match what was being outputted at the printer in the pantone colour system. It resulted in two batches of packaging - one that was good from the original supplier, and the second from the other supplier that was way off as the second supplier had pirated software to cut down costs and inferior printing inks. Not a big issue for small orders, but a few thousand later, it can be a very expensive outcome. Just pays to do due diligence with Chinese providers on any works over seas.Hope this helps :)

  7. On 01/05/2015 at 12:38 PM, miller said:

    As someone who has bought a lot of Chinese equipment over the years, I can honestly say you can get excellent buys from China BUT, you should plan on something being wrong somewhere. You should NEVER buy equipment from China and plan on installing it and have it run out of the box. Everything needs to be checked carefully and tested before you even consider running. The testing etc applies to all equipment but more so with the Chinese.

    If you are prepared and undersatnd the short comings you can do very well buying from the Chinese.

    Having used China alot for prototypes and manufacturing, one of the bigs things is they use a lot of pirated software, which affects the outcome of the final result. Whether it’s colour or size, samples are a must in any circumstance to avoid any surprises on landing. 

  8. Having read a few articles on women in the craft distilling industry, are there any that are willing to elaborate on their experiences? I know there is a handful of female Master Distillers in the US unlike in Australia, and wanted to hear from females in the industry in general. Thanks in advance. :D

  9. Hi all - another Australian like a few of the rest of us here, some legislation in the last 13 months have given distilleries a tiny break into the Ozzie market. What began as a pipe dream is slowly turning into a reality for us and we look forward to learning, chatting and getting to know the people on this site. We are in the market for various products to complete our distillery, so we hope to chat to some of you soon with items we are after - even if it means putting it in a container and shipping to Australia! 

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