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Posts posted by Brewer

  1. I have a pretty good idea how they were doing it about 3 years ago, but not going to share anything private. Those dates you are seeing are most likely the blended / bottled date. The blending is very impressive, rows on rows of glasses from individual barrels. Discussion over which will go together. Disagreement, more discussion. I remember 60 glasses to select 6 barrels for a blend, and that's rounding down. Those numbers are not exaggerated, I'm sure I've seen more out at a time.

    Now with all of that new space, barrels are not stacked 5 high. I wonder if they still get sloshed around as much when samples need to be taken. I read that movement is good for the spirit. Imagine every couple of weeks you are handed a list of numbers, trying to find those barrels to draw a sample, write the barrel number on the glass (some of which might have been selected just because they were on the bottom of the stack?) the hunt through a small room filled with barrels, with just enough room to lift one barrel and walk backwards a few steps, elbows hitting other barrels with each step, finally put it down where you can find space, repeat.

    Now all of that space - are the barrels still stacked only one high? Where will the interns get their workouts? What about how the spirit benefits from movement?

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