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Posts posted by jim.mccollom

  1. Thank you for your replies. I had read through the law and thought as much, but I figured I would double check here before I started hiring an external firm to handle distilling the sample first.

    Jim McCollom

  2. We are currently in the process of getting our TTB site approval and would like to have our COLA pre-applications done at the same time if possible. While looking through the process, it seems that there are 3 steps we need to go through for a distilled spirit:

    1) Laboratory Analysis - This one seems to be the real point of contention, because in order to submit a sample, it seems we need to have our site approved in order to begin production of the spirits; which precludes us from getting the pre-applications done before we have our site license. Is this the case ?

    2) Formula Submission - We intend on submitting an application for gin, however we are not sure of ratios at this point. Is it necessary to have the final proportions of the ingredients nailed down before submitting the formula, or is there a bit of flexibility to vary the amount of a particular ingredient after submission of this form ? Is this necessary for simple spirits, like vodka and bourbon ?

    3) Sulphite Analysis - Is this necessary for distilled spirits ?

    Have I missed any steps or assumed any unnecessary steps in the pre-approval process ?

    Additionally, what is the current timeline for getting a product through pre-approval and final approval (assuming there were no problems with the submission) ?

    Thanks for your help.

    Jim McCollom

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