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Posts posted by YoungMonk

  1. I have a question for whiskey makers?

    If Bourbon must be made from at least 51% corn, then would a 100% Corn Whiskey be a Bourbon...assuming all other requirments of Bourbon at met? Or does Bourbon have to be made from a blend of at least 51% Corn with the remaining ingredients being other grains such as Rye or Malted Barley?

    If Bourbon must be a blend of Corn and other grains, then for the sake of legal definition (not flavor) where do you draw the line in terms of Corn/blend percentage amounts to get the legal definition of Bourbon?


  2. Im interested in learning some Gin making techinques from some of you pro's!

    1) At what proof level do you infuse?

    I have a home recipe I make using 80 proof vodka, which of course I do not re-distill. I'd like to make a Gin that is clear but stay true to my recipe and flavor profile. So, if I were to infuse at a higher proof level and redistill primarily for a clear finish, should I use a lesser/smaller amount of botanicals with an assumption that the higher alcohol will draw out more of the flavors? However, wont I lose some flavor strength after re-distillation?


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