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Aquatic Ecologist

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Posts posted by Aquatic Ecologist

  1. I see this as being somewhat akin to light beer. The product will not be flavorless, and not exactly whiskey as most on this forum think about it, but it will be "whiskey" nonetheless, and it will likely be fairly smooth and easy to drink, much like some of the Canadian whiskeys. And the marketing, while off-putting to whiskey enthusiasts will appeal to a large cross-section of spirit drinkers who might typically shy away from whiskey. Think of how they market light beer, they claim "all of the flavor, and half the calories", and yet anyone with a modicum of exposure to beer knows this is BS. But they aren't marketing to people with beer knowledge. And FAB is not marketing to ADI members. Check out their website, it hit's all the right notes.

    I can't tell you how many people I've offered Scotch to who refuse it based on horrible memories of drinking cheap, vile scotch in their younger years. And I'm offering them very easy-to-like Scotch (Highland Park, Balvenie, Glenfarchs). FAB is targeting these people..trying to get them to believe that all whiskey is harsh..except theirs. I'm guessing many on this forum are fans of craft beer, but even more are likely to have a case of Miller Lite in their fridge for when company comes over. As the craft spirit industry follows in the craft beer industries footsteps, expect to see more and more of this. And even though it's kinda of an upside-down version of the craft beer response to light beers, it is a void to be filled. And while we don't like seeing them fill a void that we think shouldn't exist, they are capitalizing on an opportunity..credit them for trying.

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