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Posts posted by CriterionClub

  1. Brad,

    I'm just getting ready to engage the state in Oregon as well. May I ask what it was like satisfying the Dept. of Agriculture? The "wow" wasn't very comforting!!!

    Thanks in advance for your insight,

    Ashley Balogh

    Criterion Club

  2. Now that I think of it, I hear you know Tom Cook. Quite a while back he brought a few of my friends in for a tour of your place and I was real disappointed to have missed it due to some work obligations. They all came back pretty impressed with the visit though.

    My dad is quite a regular drinker of your Lovejoy vodka. I think my mom bought for him cause she loved the bottle and he got hooked!

  3. Love your products Rich!

    We haven't signed a lease yet, but expect to in the next 2 weeks to one month so we can get started on the application process. We're just scratching the surface here so far.

    Our current prospective building is at 72nd and woodstock, a bit further east than you guys. We couldn't find anything closer in SE that was meeting the price range out there at $0.50/sq ft. Unless you have a recommendation otherwise....

    Judging from the response I've received from the powers that be I'm optimistic at some smooth sailing for our app process so we'll be up and running with you guys soon. I chatted a bit with Tom at New Deal about meeting up with the Guild while we're waiting so hope to see you around...

    We're getting a bit anxious for the licensing so we can get rolling!

    Thanks for letting me know you work with Gales, we could use all the references and advice we can get!


  4. A quick update. I have formally emailed TTB and requested a variance with respect to domicile issue. There is a substantial fire suppression system being installed on each floor of the building, with twice the flow rate in basement and 1st floor as in remainder of building (where I will locate). The city really, really wants us in this building and will go to bat with official support if I desire. I am holding off on that at the moment.

    If I cannot get a formal ruling from TTB without a signed lease then I will sign one for this site contingent on TTB approval. In that way I have no obligation if I cannot get approval.


    Any update on how that worked out Paul?

  5. Greetings fellow Artisan Distillers!

    We are a newly formed distillery, and by newly I actually mean applications are being prepared this week for submission. Needless to say I've been reading the site regularly for as much information as I can. I can't wait to get my stills up, registered and running!

    We will be producing Vodka and Gin immediately, with Rum and Whisky to follow closely afterwards and have secured some preemptive accounts already through much of my restaurant industry contacts.

    I've been discussing our venture with the City and Fire Marshalls and OLCC well in advance so hope to have as smooth as a transition as can be hoped for!

    Looking forward to meeting everyone here. Hope I can contribute back to a community who has already helped immensely.

    In the meantime, any advice, practical or otherwise is well appreciated!


    Ashley David Balogh

    Criterion Club

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