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Posts posted by acano

  1. I appreciate the responses and the help. It seems like there is no "go-to" company for this. The answer I suppose would be whoever could:

    • Custom build without crazy-high minimum purchase order
    • Local or close enough where cost of shipping is not outrageous.
    • Decent price per pallet

    I will do more searching, at this point in time all we need is 7 pallets so it's really just worth it to stick with what works. But at $200/pallet that is certainly not sustainable for a business model and will need to be addressed as we expand and grow.

    Thank you again for your help

  2. I work at a distillery in California, we currently store our barrels on their heads on custom made pallets. All fine and dandy, they are 5'x5' pallets and they work just fine. The two problems I have with them:

    1) They take a lot of time to construct where I could be doing more important things around the distillery.
    2) Being larger than standard size, they take up more space and pose challenges to moving logistics and destroy our storage efficiency.

    Having seen other distilleries and rickhouses where they also store their barrels on their heads, I noticed that not only do they use pallets that are standard size, but they were bought in bulk. Taking care of both of my issues.

    The question I have is if anyone is familiar with a pallet supplier for these purposes? Is there a well-known/industry standard company that I am unaware of?
    Any help would be great and I thank you in advance!

    EDIT: Sorry for the duplicate, moderators feel free to delete this thread.

  3. Hello my name is Anthony, I am apprentice/assistant distiller at Ascendant Spirits in Buellton, California.

    I am new to distilling, but my path here has been quite interesting. I studied Biomedical Engineering at Cal Poly and got my degree with a focus in microbiology, biologic systems, and industrial applications. Got an internship at a biotech company dealing with yeasts and fermentation making biofuels and other chemicals. After my internship they said I got a job, but through some bureaucracy (which I'm sure you're all very familiar with), they didn't have a position for me, and I didn't get a job.

    I continued looking in the brewing industry with my new fascination with yeast and fermentation, but I came too late, the market is saturated. Dabbled in the wine industry but it's too slow paced for me. Through a fun turn of events I got connected with Stephen Gertman who was going to start a new distillery, and he needed someone with a strong background in science and engineering, and understood the principals of fermentation. Few months later it's a reality, Stephen just got word yesterday that we are legal to make distilled beverages in the eyes of the feds and state. And although I am new to artisan distilling, I am very much eager to learn as much as I can.

    Thank you for providing this space for distillers and enthusiasts alike to come together and collaborate each other's knowledge and ideas.

    -Anthony Cano

  4. Hello my name is Anthony, I am apprentice/assistant distiller at Ascendant Spirits in Buellton, California.

    I am new to distilling, but my path here has been quite interesting. I studied Biomedical Engineering at Cal Poly and got my degree with a focus in microbiology, biologic systems, and industrial applications. Got an internship at a biotech company dealing with yeasts and fermentation making biofuels and other chemicals. After my internship they said I got a job, but though some bureaucracy (which I'm sure you're all very familiar with), they didn't have a position for me, and I didn't get a job.

    I continued looking in the brewing industry with my new fascination with yeast and fermentation, but I came too late, the market is saturated. Dabbled in the wine industry but it's too slow paced for me. Through a fun turn of events I got connected with Stephen Gertman who was going to start a new distillery, and he needed someone with a strong background in science and engineering, and understood the principals of fermentation. Few months later it's a reality, Stephen just got word yesterday that we are legal to make distilled spirits in the eyes of the feds and state. And although I am new to artisan distilling, I am very much eager to learn as much as I can.

    Thank you for providing this space for distillers and enthusiasts alike to come together and collaborate each other's knowledge and ideas.

    -Anthony Cano

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