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Posts posted by SwellSpirits

  1. Hey,

    I am having a similar problem. My gin (which I proofed down with carbon filtered water) has a slight precipitate forming on the inside of the bottle. A microscopically thin layer of white film. Almost not visible to the naked eye unless you closely inspect the bottle.

    Has anyone else had an issue like that?

  2. I was curious if anyone has used non-RO water to proof their gin and if that has had any set-backs. e.g. chill haze or louching.

    On small test batches I have been using just filtered water with no issues, but perhaps once I get up to 1000 liters per batch I might run into something different.

    Any advice on this would be great.

  3. I was curious if anyone has used non-RO water to proof their gin and if that has had any set-backs. e.g. chill haze or louching.

    On small test batches I have been using just filtered water with no issues, but perhaps once I get up to 1000 liters per batch I might run into something different.

    Any advice on this would be great.

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