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Posts posted by jchaney

  1. This is my first post and this question may seem a little naive and overly optimistic.

    I am in the process of getting the county to allow for a distillery. Since this is a first for them I am looking at this as an opportunity to present suggested changes to the ordinance. I certainly want it to be as flexible as possible and fit my specific circumstances. I have a 10 acre farm with lots of spring water, a creek and a pond. I do not have county water or sewer.

    Things that come to mind at first thought are limiting the annual fee, avoiding a tax related to production, ensuring that I retain the right to provide samples (i am in the Bible Belt) for tours, disposal of byproducts, being able to operate 24 hours 7 days a week, and most importantly having distilling recognized as an agricultural or farming activity (In my county there are zoning exemptions for farmers).

    Are there any other considerations or examples of good local law that have been helpful in your jurisdictions.

    Thanks in advance for any input.


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