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Posts posted by brantoken

  1. This is an intersting topic,

    A similar one is the production of sugar. Sugar plants can make sugar (malt syrup, HFC, Cane syrup, ....etc) much more effeciently than a distillery, I have no doubt, yet still some consider it sacrilige to add sugar to a whisky reciepe. mooshiners have no quandry with it. I have tasted some fine Shine. Why not mash (keep flavor) and add sugar to increase production? Or NGS for that matter. I have been kicking this around for a while. One side says No it's not a truly original spirit, but the business side says , When I start my distillery, I have to survive.

    I have drank NGS gin and Vodka, knowing full well that it had NGS in it, Did that stop me enjoying It? Honestly, it preturbed me with an ethical dilemea, but no it didn't.

    to the point, I think the real questions are;

    Do you make a quality product?

    Do your customers like your product?

    Is your product affordable?

    Is your product something original?

    And the biggest for me, does it taste good?

    What will I do, don't know yet I not at the point I have to make that decision.

  2. Has anyone tried steam injection to heat the Mash tank?

    From what I have been reading it would seem to be the most effecient and is used in the fuel ethenol industry.

    From my understanding there are two methods Sparge and Jet cooker?

    If so which method is it?


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