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Posts posted by hessma

  1. My apologies to everyone for the cross posts, and thanks again to Guy for merging them.

    I would like to say thanks to all of you for your insightful feedback, and I hope many others will continue to share their experiences and suggestions regarding this idea.

    In the next few weeks I will contact several of the outfits that responded to this post and expressed an interest in providing these types of services. I welcome additional contacts with parties that may be interested in providing contract distillery services, so keep them coming!

    I'd also like to reach out to some of you that are interested in starting your own venture through contract services like these to see how things are going. You may be getting a personal message from me soon regarding your response to this post.

    Thanks again for the info, and please continue to respond if you have feedback or any other information.

    Matt H

  2. I would like to know if anyone has contemplated the use of a distillery's excess still capacity to launch their own products, and if so what the pros and cons are of doing so.

    This would differ from a typical DNS because the plan would be to have as much hands on control of the process as legally possible and to create and carry the products recipe while having a licensed distiller produce the product.

    This could be another source of revenue for a distiller who may have excess capacity on their still. This would also assume there would be sufficient margins for both parties when all is said and sold.

    As an example:We owned a C&C machine at my previous business and we're able to sell time on the machine to help pay for the high costs of purchasing and maintaining the equipment. This got me thinking that there may be a similar situation present in the distillery industry, and that an additional revenue stream could help offset many costs for craft distillers.

    If this is being practiced already I would be interested in obtaining more info and if not I would like your feedback on the idea.


    Matt H

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