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Posts posted by Oakland

  1. Thanks guys. I guess my next stop would be to talk to a broker. I'm sure costs vary wildly from state to state.

    Paul- I'll see if I can work out a CO2 recapture program with one of our local pot growing businesses. Now that ONLY happens in California!

  2. Hi- This is my first post here, but I've been reading through a lot of the threads. I'm toying with the idea of starting up a production. I've been a homebrewer for a few years, and I've worked in the public non-profit sector for quite a while so I have a pretty high tolerance for working through bureaucracy and also experience working with federal, state and local programs. A good friend of mine is an excellent beer brewer and a physicist/scientist, so I'm starting the research on how to put together a stilling business as a new career.

    I'm trying to identify all the operating costs associated with the production, then of course figure out how much we'll need to produce to make the business feasible. One item I don't have is insurance. What type of coverages do you guys carry? Just general liability, or commercial liability? We won't have employees, at least in the beginning. This will be a California based business, an LLC if that matters.


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