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Posts posted by Scottyh

  1. 20% is about where the extra you will get isn't worth the extra expense in fuel. We use a column still so we can create an equilibruim in the column to concentrate forshots, but I believe its mainly in where you make your cuts too much heads or tails gives a harsh product.

  2. We had a water analysis done by White Labs, the analysis is done specifically for brewers so you will know what you are lacking in or have too much of. Well worth the expense I think it was about $100. Also water softeners can add to much salt so make sure you keep that in mind. Most of this information is in In Chris White PHD's book Yeast which I feel is a must read. 51vJdl%2BOa-L._SL160_PIsitb-sticker-arrohttp://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=yeast

  3. 15 pound pressure relief valves ($25) from most beer supply stores should be good enough to provide a safe environment. We couldn't find anything less than that without spending a lot more money. If you are watching your still like you should be you really don't need anything. We put ours in to make the city fire department happy.

  4. Four of us started Thumb Butte Distillery approx. 8 months ago and have our equipment (most of it) federal, state, and city licenses. We are now starting re-modeling of the warehouse where we will be located, and hopefully within the next 2 months be open for business. For all of those who have become successful in this business I now realize how much work, time and money is involved. However if the passion is there, as it is with us, it can't be considered work.


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