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Action Equipment Corp.

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Posts posted by Action Equipment Corp.

  1. Yes there are a number of hobby still manufacturers out there. We build and sell several hundred of them a year on Ebay and our website, www.moonshinestillpro.com . Most discussion of hobby stills is avoided in this forum because they are predominately being used illegally without licensing. And it is not the purpose of this forum to promote illegal activity. But I'll bet that if everyone who uses this forum were willing to be honest the majority of them would have to admit to doing perhaps considerable experimenting and practicing with a small still prior to getting licensed. In my opinion it pretty much becomes a necessity to learn the craft. As for the equipment you choose it depends on how much you are willing to spend. Pick something that has enough copper in it to mimic results you will eventually get from a production sized still. And just so that I cannot be accused of too much self promotion here, that $2500 Hillbilly Flute looks like as close to a commercial still design as can be had in a hobby still. In the next year I may develop something similar using actual bubbler plates rather than perforated plates that can be inconsistent. - Gary, Action Equipment Corporation

  2. Hi- I am looking for some advice on a good inexpensive still to learn on. SOmething that is under $3000. I have had a hard time pulling the trigger on those stills on www.copper-alembic.com as I have not seen anything good about them. I also don't want to start on one of those moonshine column stills made from a keg. Does anyone know of any good quality inexpensive copper pot stills for sale?


    It's not clear if you are looking for a still large enough for production purposes or one just to learn on. But if its the latter we make stills you may be interested in. See these at www.moonshinestillpro.com .


    Action Equipment Corporation

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