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504Rum Brand for Sale

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On May 17th, Happy Raptor closed its tasting room, and officially closed its doors on May 24th following one final private event. 

As we finalize the closure of the company, we have embarked on theBrand & Digital Content Sales Sheet.pdf process of selling our brands, product recipes, trademarks, and digital content.  Attached you will find two documents, one is the sales sheet describing the assets for sale, and the second is a sheet that includes a description and images of the products included in the sale.

Please feel free to reach out to me via email at mark@happyraptor.com if you have any questions or clarifications about the items for sale.  We will be accepting and reviewing letters of intent/proposals for the purchase of the brand through the end of June in the order that they arrive.

Thank you for your interest.

504 Products Sheet.pdf

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