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Elixir and You

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HI all,

I just wanted to let you know I'm on here finally, and although I don't distill, I sell and mix, so I'm looking forward to learning and sharing on here. Please stop by Elixir whenever you're in SF. Thanks to all of my friends at ADI for teaching me, letting me share what I know and introducing me to some great people. Bummed I won't be in KY!

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I just "hate" guys like this.

He is so modest...he didn't even mention that he's just back from LV where Nightclub & Bar Magazine crowned him Bartender of the Year 2010...after they put him on the cover of the magazine.

He's knowledgeable, often brilliant, entirely earnest in his endeavors...he's even good looking for crissakes!

He is simply a force of nature.

Welcome, sir!

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