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Do the forums have enough privacy?


Should this site be members only?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Currently these forums are visible to anyone who happens upon them. Would you prefer we change them to member only?

    • Don't care- I'll share info with everyone
    • I would share certain things on the forums but because its visible publicly I'll refrain from certain topics.
    • I will not post anything at all because anyone can view messages.
  2. 2. If you feel the public nature of the forum is a problem how should we handle security?

    • Make the forums ADI members only.
    • Allow anyone to join but only forum members can view posts.
    • Leave some forums publicly viewable and others private.

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Making the forums totally private seems like it would be counter productive. It prevents discovery, and it prevents people from getting an idea of what will be going on here.

At the same time, some of the things that may want to be discussed may be of a more restricted disclosure nature, and so should be kept only to members, and in some cases even restricted beyond that.

Assuming you want to keep "registration" basically open (like it is now), then you may want to also have some additional layers of "qualification" that you set onto members, and have additional areas of the forum only open to those folks. For example, perhaps you have some mechanism to verify that somebody is an actually licensed distiller, once they've jumped through that hoop, they now have access to that section of the board?

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I agree with you Robert. A combination would be good with some type of filters for different levels.

General Public

Moonshiners (have experience distilling, may be legal in some countries)

New Distillers (actually in process of opening a distillery)

Distillers (have licensed distillery)

Making the forums totally private seems like it would be counter productive. It prevents discovery, and it prevents people from getting an idea of what will be going on here.

At the same time, some of the things that may want to be discussed may be of a more restricted disclosure nature, and so should be kept only to members, and in some cases even restricted beyond that.

Assuming you want to keep "registration" basically open (like it is now), then you may want to also have some additional layers of "qualification" that you set onto members, and have additional areas of the forum only open to those folks. For example, perhaps you have some mechanism to verify that somebody is an actually licensed distiller, once they've jumped through that hoop, they now have access to that section of the board?

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